Cloudflare Case Studies Montecito Bank & Trust Reinventing banking services with security in mind
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Montecito Bank & Trust Reinventing banking services with security in mind

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Cybersecurity Services
Montecito Bank & Trust (MB&T) was in the midst of a complex regulatory discussion that would transition the bank’s website from https:// to a new domain The .bank extension would incorporate the latest security requirements to reduce phishing, spoofing, and internet scams. In addition, Paul Abramson, Director of Technology at MB&T, recognized the risks a potential security attack could pose to a bank’s website. He needed a vendor to help him meet the industry regulations for the domain change as well as bulletproof the site from sophisticated cyber security threats.
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Montecito Bank & Trust (MB&T) is a regional bank of Central California. It is locally owned and managed, with $1.2 billion in assets. The bank is known for its easily accessible bank associates, a progressive outlook on technology, and a highly respected wealth management division. MB&T keeps a laser focus on its customers, believing that one does not have to choose between a personal relationship with their bank and enhanced online security.
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To obtain the coveted .bank top level domain (TLD), MB&T had to implement the DNS with Security Extensions (DNSSEC). They chose Cloudflare as their vendor to help them meet the industry regulations for the domain change and to protect the site from sophisticated cyber security threats. Cloudflare made DNSSEC as easy as it could possibly be. DNSSEC enhanced the security and trust of the domain and helped MB&T get the .bank extension. Now even their non-technical audience recognizes that is a trusted, verified, and more secure location on the Internet to conduct business.
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100% clean traffic
Built-in and automated DNSSEC management
Enhanced security and trust of the domain
70% bandwidth savings
50% decrease in page load times
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