Drift Case Studies Monarch Institute's Success: 11K+ Chat Qualified Leads in One Year
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Monarch Institute's Success: 11K+ Chat Qualified Leads in One Year

Cities & Municipalities
Sales & Marketing
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration

Monarch Institute, a nationally accredited education provider based in Australia, faced a complex challenge. The education they provide is a complex product, and prospective students often struggle to understand government funding and eligibility criteria that vary from state to state. The institute needed a tool that could help students navigate their diverse needs in a frictionless way, even during off hours. The CEO, Nick Chapman, began looking for a chat solution that could provide a seamless experience for their students, replicating the same level of service they would receive during regular hours.

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Monarch Institute is a nationally accredited education provider based in Australia. They offer real-world education with courses taught by respected professionals who are leaders in their fields. They don't believe in courses based purely on intellectual theory and textbook stuff, but rather in teaching tangible skills to people who want jobs in their respective fields. Their sales cycles can be quite long, with some courses lasting up to two years, making these big decisions for people. They aim to provide a consistent customer experience, replicating what students would experience when they're a student of theirs.

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Monarch Institute considered several chatbots with similar features, but they needed a solution that could help them build a more complex experience. They wanted to ensure a consistent customer experience, as their sales cycles can be quite long, with some courses lasting up to two years. They chose Drift as their solution, with the help of The Bot Lab, a Drift partner specializing in developing scalable chatbot experiences. Monarch set up their chatbots to target different site visitors depending on where they were coming from and the course they were interested in. They also integrated Drift directly into both Salesforce and Pardot, allowing them to create differentiated and data-informed journeys for their prospective students.

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The implementation of Drift has significantly improved Monarch Institute's customer experience. The chatbot allows them to target prospective students with the right message for who they are and where they're coming from, even outside of traditional operating hours. It also provides key insights into trends or areas of ambiguity for students, helping the institute to tweak their playbooks and marketing strategy with more specificity. The chatbot serves as a virtual sales agent, engaging potential students exploring the brand. The institute has seen a significant impact from using Drift, and they expect it to continue to have a larger impact as they move from traditional telephone-based conversations to an omnichannel approach.

3,200+ meetings booked in the last year

11,000+ chat qualified leads (CQLs) generated

60,000 conversations held

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