EcoOnline Case Studies Mitie's Transformation: Enhancing Incident Reporting and Reducing Injury Time with EcoOnline
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Mitie's Transformation: Enhancing Incident Reporting and Reducing Injury Time with EcoOnline

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Facility Management
Inventory Management
Onsite Human Safety Management
Mitie, a multi-industry company based in the UK, faced several challenges due to the diverse nature of its business. The company needed an Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) solution that could cater to the demands of various sectors. Mitie not only had to implement systems and control measures from its perspective but also had to consider the controls and processes of its clients. The existing processes and systems did not support the Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) team in fostering a safety culture within the business. Incidents were managed through a centralized phone line in a linear process, and operation management was more focused on form filling rather than managing QHSE data in source systems. Furthermore, due to a low rate of input, it was challenging to measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the QHSE team lacked sufficient data to make strategic safety decisions confidently.
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Mitie is a multi-industry company based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1987, the company has grown through acquisitions and now employs over 77,500 people. Mitie provides a diverse range of business services, including facilities management, property management, energy solutions, and healthcare. In 2017, Mitie recognized the need to transition to a more modern software solution to meet the increasingly diverse needs of its business. The company's multi-faceted nature necessitated an EHS solution that could cater to the demands of various sectors, taking into account both its own systems and control measures and those of its clients.
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Mitie found its solution in EcoOnline, a modern, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that caters to organizations across industries. The platform's single-code base application offers configuration, not customization, making it an ideal fit for Mitie's multidimensional business. To increase engagement, Mitie adapted its processes to include new ways of working. The company moved to a model where end users report incidents, near misses, and hazards directly onto the platform. Integrated action tracking allowed actions to be easily assigned and tracked through to completion. This approach increased engagement with the system and improved the safety culture at Mitie. EcoOnline also enabled Mitie to better measure and report on their KPIs. The QHSE team could understand the broader picture of their health and safety ecosystem. Mitie used a suite of dashboards and reports for daily reporting and integrated the platform with Microsoft Power BI for deep data analysis.
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The implementation of EcoOnline, coupled with the introduction of new processes, has led to significant improvements in Mitie's operations within the first 12 months. The new software solution has not only increased engagement with the system but also improved the safety culture at Mitie. The ease of reporting incidents, near misses, and hazards directly onto the platform has led to a substantial increase in reporting. Furthermore, the integrated action tracking has streamlined the process of assigning and tracking actions to completion. The ability to better measure and report on KPIs has provided the QHSE team with a broader understanding of their health and safety ecosystem, enabling them to make strategic safety decisions with confidence. Looking forward, Mitie plans to continue leveraging the platform to further enhance their QHSE initiatives, with Audit Management and Risk Management likely to play significant roles in the platform's future support for Mitie.
140% increase in hazard and near miss reporting
14% decrease in time lost to injury
80% of the incident management module was configured within two days of implementation
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