Watershed Case Studies Maximizing Climate Impact: A Case Study on Okta's Sustainability Efforts
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Maximizing Climate Impact: A Case Study on Okta's Sustainability Efforts

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sensors - Utility Meters
Renewable Energy
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Time Sensitive Networking
Okta, an identity management company, is committed to driving positive environmental impact. The company began conducting annual greenhouse gas inventories in 2019 and achieved its goal of 100 percent renewable electricity for global offices and work-from-home consumption in 2021. However, the initial inventory process was manual and reliant on spreadsheets, making it time-consuming and inefficient. When Okta committed to setting science-based targets (SBTs) in November 2021, it needed a platform for tracking and visualizing that progress, aligning with Okta’s core business value of transparency. The company also faced challenges in organizing internal stakeholders during its previous measurements.
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Okta is an identity management company that is committed to building a world where anyone can safely use any technology powered by their identity. The company takes an inclusive approach to its climate work, centering its responsibility to drive positive impact for everyone. Okta’s founders are vocal about their long-term responsibility to their community and the environment, leading the company with the conviction that how they build the future is as important as what they build. Okta has big plans to further reduce its footprint, including working with its global property managers to reduce emissions tied to natural gas and refrigerants, reducing emissions from employee business travel and commuting, and collaborating with vendors using Watershed Supply Chain to capture and influence its Scope 3 emissions.
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Okta chose Watershed, a climate software, after evaluating several potential partners. The software enabled Okta to turn around its first inventory in four weeks, a process that previously took a few months. Watershed made it easy for Okta to understand the steps needed to meet its ambitious SBTs. The software was user-friendly and straightforward for different stakeholders, such as procurement personnel, to upload documents. Watershed also provided comprehensive and accurate ongoing modeling, going deep on every category of emissions. This was particularly useful for representing the emissions for Okta’s many remote workers. The platform saved Okta a significant amount of time per year, allowing the team to focus on critical work rather than managing data transfers.
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The transition to Watershed has made collaboration among internal stakeholders at Okta easier. The software is user-friendly and straightforward, making it easy for different stakeholders to upload documents. The depth of the platform also contributes to comprehensive and accurate ongoing modeling. This has been particularly useful for representing the emissions for Okta’s many remote workers. The time saved by using Watershed has allowed Okta to focus on critical work such as identifying and investing in net-new renewable energy projects that prioritize environmental justice. Okta has invested in projects like Solar Stewards in Utah, PosiGen in Louisiana, and California Bright Schools.
Okta achieved its goal of 100 percent renewable electricity for global offices and work-from-home consumption in 2021.
The company turned around its first inventory with Watershed in four weeks, a process that previously took a few months.
Watershed’s platform saves Okta a significant amount of time per year.
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