Software AG Case Studies Mastering the Message with Predictive Analytics
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Mastering the Message with Predictive Analytics

Software AG
Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Data Mining
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
The company, a leading agency in the digital revolution of media and marketing, was facing the challenge of continued disruption of the digital media environment by predictive models yielding actionable campaign results faster than ever before. They needed data fast, accurately, and in an easy to understand format. The company needed to carefully tailor their marketing campaigns to specific audiences based on segment-specific attributes and deliver these messages to customers where they are, when they are receptive, and perfectly optimized for the right device or medium. They also needed a set of analytic techniques that incorporated probability, statistics, algorithmic modeling, data mining, and machine learning. The volumes of data, computational resources, and technical knowhow required for this were tremendous.
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The customer is a top marketing agency with a global, omni-channel presence. It focuses on multi-platform digital marketing solutions and campaigns, utilizing all points of contact to deliver impactful messages to the right audiences. With core services including a marketing management platform, a big data analytics application, and customized marketing campaigns, the company is at the vanguard in an industry that has undergone a dramatic digital transformation. The company is facing new challenges such as overwhelming data volumes, industry-wide revolution in digitalization, and a disruptive media and advertising environment.
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The company turned to Zementis Predictive Analytics. This solution offered a whole new way to design, measure, and analyze its campaigns in real time. It provided the functionality needed to continue innovating ahead of the curve. Zementis Predictive Analytics offered a plug-in decision engine and standards-based deployment platform for industry-leading analytics and data warehouse systems. This allowed the company to scale without the bottleneck of writing custom code by hand. It also helped accelerate batch processing to score large data sets, while simplifying user experience, and standardizing business process adoption and discipline. The solution also allowed the company to make rapid assessments of campaign successes and positioning in near-real time.
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Improved marketing campaign precision
Standardized analytical processes
Lowered costs
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