Qlik Case Studies Manufacturer increases sales conversion rates with BI solution
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Manufacturer increases sales conversion rates with BI solution

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Construction & Infrastructure
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Tulikivi Corporation, the world’s largest manufacturer of heat-retaining fireplaces, adopted a new, product group-based strategy. In line with the new strategy, the company wanted to analyse business information more efficiently. Previously, meetings dragged on while waiting for information, and in many cases the information received was not the information that was agreed on. Further challenges included slow reporting and software, which resulted in waiting for analyses. In the old days, it was a challenge to compile reports manually quickly enough. The software was too slow and they had to wait for analyses. Meetings dragged on and the reports that were produced did not always meet the actual need. Distribution of reports was another problem.
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Tulikivi comprises the Tulikivi Corporation, which is a listed family enterprise, and its subsidiaries. Tulikivi is the world's largest manufacturer of heat-retaining fireplaces. Tulikivi and its customers value wellbeing, interior design and the benefits of bioenergy. Tulikivi's net sales are slightly under EUR 60 million, of which exports account for about half. Tulikivi employs approximately 500 people. The company operates in the manufacturing sector, specifically in the construction industry. Tulikivi has introduced QlikView applications to monitor sales and profitability, to chart customer potential and carry out cost centre reporting. The next aim is to expand the use of the software to acquisition, quality operations and environmental reporting.
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Tulikivi Corporation implemented QlikView version 9 alongside IBS ASW, Maestro and Lotus Notes. QlikView’s easy-to-use web interface solved the problem of report distribution. Another advantage of the web-based interface is that no separate installations are required for individual computers any more. Now Tulikivi has introduced QlikView applications to monitor sales and profitability, to chart customer potential and carry out cost centre reporting. The next aim is to expand the use of the software to acquisition, quality operations and environmental reporting. At present, Tulikivi has around 40 in-house users, and an additional 30 Tulikivi retailers use the software outside the company.
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QlikView has helped Tulikivi gain access to information that previously remained in the dark, and to gain completely new information on potential clients.
The software has brought significant improvements to the processing of data on potential customers, as well as response rates.
Analyses indicate that the company has succeeded in eliminating products with low profit margins from its range.
Development of the first QlikView application took less than a week.
It only takes 15 minutes for new users to start using QlikView.
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