NETSCOUT Case Studies Manufacturer Ensures Reliable WAN Connectivity and Quality User Experiences with NETSCOUT
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Manufacturer Ensures Reliable WAN Connectivity and Quality User Experiences with NETSCOUT

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Discrete Manufacturing
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
The manufacturer was facing visibility gaps in identifying the root cause of SaaS/UCaaS quality performance issues. The Network Operations (NetOps) team was challenged by a lack of visibility to effectively identify slowdowns, troubleshoot degradations, and restore quality delivery quickly in their efforts to avoid negative user impact. The company was also experiencing notable performance issues with UCaaS applications, without a clear understanding of the origin of the slowdowns. Readily available, ongoing visibility at the WAN network edge became necessary to pinpoint the source of degradations and swiftly resolve disruptions.
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The customer is a North American manufacturing leader with over 180,000 global employees. The company relies on stable and secure connectivity to enhance operations, maintain communications, and fuel innovation. To support their hybrid workforce in both remote and regional locations, the wide-area network (WAN) remote office IT team has prioritized application delivery and user experience performance. They strive to enhance employee productivity, provide seamless vendor collaboration, and deliver reliable, quality performance of third-party applications. With the help of the Visibility as a Service (VaaS) team, they have implemented NETSCOUT solutions to significantly reduce troubleshooting time and improve the stability and performance of their Software as a Service (SaaS) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) applications.
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The company utilized nGenius® Enterprise Performance Management solutions throughout their network, with the NETSCOUT VaaS team serving as a critical, highly experienced resource for 24 x 7 x 365 days a year review of the data from NETSCOUT solutions to expose quality issues quickly and efficiently. Using a custom-built scorecard tailored to highlight the performance of their most critical applications, the NETSCOUT VaaS team advises this manufacturer’s NetOps team of critical performance issues identified by continuous nGeniusPULSE nPoint business transaction tests. The manufacturer now has a service dashboard view configured to display the performance of various conference rooms, over both ethernet and wi-fi connections, to continuously assess global call quality and overall UCaaS application performance.
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The NetOps team has accelerated their time to value with the nGeniusPULSE and nPoint solutions through their partnership with the NETSCOUT VaaS team.
The VaaS team has leveraged their extensive expertise in quickly implementing customized business transaction tests on SaaS and UCaaS user experience.
The early warning notifications received, based on trended data, has reduced the meant time to identify and resolve (MTTR) degradations and slowdowns, often before users even recognize slowdowns are emerging.
Reduced mean time to knowledge (MTTK) for network and application performance issues
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