Synapse Wireless Case Studies Making Landfills Safer
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Making Landfills Safer

Synapse Wireless
Making Landfills Safer - Synapse Wireless Industrial IoT Case Study
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Networks & Connectivity - Gateways
Networks & Connectivity - RF Transceivers
Networks & Connectivity - RFID
Sensors - Gas Sensors
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Remote Asset Management

While we not often think about it, the breakdown of matter in landfills potential produces methane and hydrogen sulfide gases. These gases present a risk of explosion (as they are both flammable) and hydrogen sulfide serves as a health hazard—potentially causing death if breathed in massive doses. Given the volatility of these two by-products of landfills, many local governments seek out better ways to monitor the potential production of these gases in their landfills. Moreover, seeing the needs of these local governments, Plexus Controls, a Canadian-owned designer and manufacturer of wireless monitoring and control products, decided to create a product for monitoring methane and hydrogen sulfide gases for landfills.

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Plexus Control
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Using Synapse SNAP®-based RF modules and IoT gateways, Plexus Controls created a suite of products to meet their customers’ needs. By connecting SNAP-based RF modules to gas detection sensors, Plexus Controls could quickly deploy a network of sensors across a landfill without dealing with the time and expenses of running wires to transmit sensor data. However, collecting the sensor data would not be a complete solution. Plexus Controls needed a centralized hub that could gather all the sensor data for display on an easily accessible user interface. Using the SNAP-based IoT gateway, their customer access all the sensor data by just using a web browser.

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Gas Emissions, Operating Cost, Pollutants detection
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[Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
Reduced Time and increased efficiencies
[Cost Reduction - Overall]
Cost effective
[Efficiency Improvement - Maintenance]
Easy to use and maintain
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