LogicMonitor Case Studies LogicMonitor Streamlines Onboarding Process for Logicalis
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LogicMonitor Streamlines Onboarding Process for Logicalis

Sensors - Level Sensors
Behavior & Emotion Tracking
Leakage & Flood Monitoring
Logicalis, a global information and communications technology (ICT) Infrastructure and Service provider (MSP), was facing a significant challenge in their customer onboarding process. The company offers a wide range of services including Cloud, SD Wan, Containers, DB’s and more to their customers around the world. However, the onboarding process was lengthy and complex, often taking up to a month to complete. The process involved level 1 engineers manually deploying and configuring devices, with heavy reliance on Level 2 or 3 engineers for advice on thresholds. This time-consuming process led to many inconsistencies and gaps in monitoring, as well as a delay in time to value, a critical factor in the highly competitive MSP industry.
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Logicalis is a global information and communications technology (ICT) Infrastructure and Service provider (MSP). With a workforce of 6,500 employees, the company offers a wide range of services including Cloud, SD Wan, Containers, DB’s and more to their customers around the world. Logicalis operates in a highly competitive industry, where efficient service delivery and time to value are critical factors for success. Prior to implementing LogicMonitor, the company faced challenges with a lengthy and inconsistent onboarding process.
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To address these challenges, Logicalis began using LogicMonitor’s discovery function to deploy and automatically apply data sources. This eliminated the manual work for the L1 engineering team, streamlining the onboarding process. In addition, Logicalis leveraged the out-of-the-box thresholds provided by LogicMonitor to reduce their reliance on L2 and L3 teams. This approach dramatically reduced the risk of things slipping through the cracks during configuration. The use of LogicMonitor's discovery function and out-of-the-box thresholds not only simplified the onboarding process but also improved the quality of service delivery.
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The implementation of LogicMonitor has resulted in a more efficient onboarding process for Logicalis. The company's head of Monitoring and Observability Solutions noted that the results were 'amazing'. The technical team has become more comfortable with the LogicMonitor Discovery capabilities, leading to a significant increase in the quality of service delivery. The ability to apply the Monitoring Templates automatically has been highlighted as one of the best features of LogicMonitor. The streamlined onboarding process has not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced customer satisfaction.
Reduced onboarding time from one month to one week
Significant reduction in manual work for the L1 engineering team
Decreased reliance on L2 and L3 teams during the onboarding process
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