Radware Case Studies Liquidity Services Finds a Consolidated and Virtual Solution with Radware’s Alteon ADC
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Liquidity Services Finds a Consolidated and Virtual Solution with Radware’s Alteon ADC

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Business Operation
Infrastructure Inspection
Fleet Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Liquidity Services needed a consistent and cost-effective solution to ensure flexibility for its growing business. It needed a consolidated and virtual solution that would allow it to grow its business through company acquisitions and new marketplaces and accommodate the additional infrastructure requirements without increasing the data center footprint. As an all virtual platform with two data centers, Liquidity Services scales several applications including Exchange, Web applications and test and development. In addition, in order for Liquidity Services business to thrive, it is critical for the auction based sales websites to remain accessible to its clients and customers. For this reason, they required disaster recovery support and a load balancing solution that could handle any increased traffic.
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Founded in 1999, Liquidity Services enables businesses to manage and sell excess inventory and surplus assets using the world’s most transparent and innovative online marketplaces. Services include surplus asset management, valuation and planning, asset disposition and government solutions. With offices in 25 countries across North America, Europe and Asia, Liquidity Services has over 5,300 clients including Fortune 1000 retailers, manufacturers, and government agencies, making them home to the world’s leading marketplace for surplus assets.
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Liquidity Services deployed Radware’s Alteon ADC, a future-proof, advanced application delivery controller to achieve virtualization. Equipped with fault isolation between each virtual ADC (vADC) instance, Liquidity Services can continue to acquire new companies and venture into new markets without having to purchase an additional load balancer or adopt the new company’s infrastructure. With the Alteon ADC solution, Liquidity Service can instantly spin up a new vADC to accommodate company growth.
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Simplified new application rollouts
Easily performed ADC maintenance
Ensured higher SLA per application
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