Bubble Group Case Studies Leveraging No-Code Tools for Enhanced Excel Dashboard Design: A Case Study
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Leveraging No-Code Tools for Enhanced Excel Dashboard Design: A Case Study

Bubble Group
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Josh Cottrell, the founder of The Excel Dashboard Toolkit, faced the challenge of creating an application that would allow users to build visually appealing dashboards in Excel. He wanted to provide a comprehensive set of visualizations, design elements, and page designs that would enable users to create stunning dashboards. However, he needed a platform that would offer more control than traditional tools like Wordpress or Squarespace and allow him to build every feature from scratch without the need for coding. Additionally, he wanted to understand the development process more, which was rooted in his background in startups and product management.
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The customers of The Excel Dashboard Toolkit are individuals who understand Excel formulas but are rarely taught about the platform's design features. These users are looking for a comprehensive set of visualizations, design elements, and page designs that will allow them to build visually appealing dashboards in Excel. They are also interested in learning more about structuring their data for each visualization and developing their visual design skills in Excel. The customers value the ability to customize the pre-made visualizations and use them in their own projects.
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Josh chose Bubble, a no-code platform, to build his application. Bubble offered him the granular control he needed over the design features and was easy to understand, even for someone with limited knowledge of coding. The Excel Dashboard Toolkit was developed as an ecommerce platform, providing pre-made visualizations that illustrate complex design concepts. These visualizations can be customized and used in individual projects. Josh is also working on a more robust system that will allow users to quickly find an appropriate template and walk through fast and easy tutorials to understand how to structure their data for each visualization. He is also planning to allow people to sign up for monthly access to a learning hub that will enable them to easily develop their visual design skills in Excel.
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The Excel Dashboard Toolkit has been a successful venture for Josh, with the first sale being a significant milestone. It validated the worth of the toolkit, and subsequent sales have covered the cost of the Bubble account and the domain registration, making the project profitable. The toolkit has also been a learning experience for Josh, allowing him to understand the development process better. He has learned how to implement responsive designs, integrate with Stripe, make contact forms, and add downloadable files. The toolkit has also enabled him to build his own custom visualizations and understand how to structure a database better. The success of the toolkit has given him the confidence to expand the project further.
The Excel Dashboard Toolkit became profitable after sales covered the cost of the Bubble account and the domain registration.
The toolkit has attracted a significant number of users, validating its worth and utility.
The toolkit has enabled Josh to learn the basics of implementing responsive designs, integrating with Stripe, making contact forms, and adding downloadable files.
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