Quantexa Case Studies Leveraging News Intelligence for Enhanced Political Campaigns: A Case Study on Deck
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Leveraging News Intelligence for Enhanced Political Campaigns: A Case Study on Deck

Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Equipment & Machinery
Predictive Maintenance
Data Science Services
System Integration
Deck, a trail-blazing company, provides predictive tools to help political candidates identify the right people for their advertising and direct contact campaigns. However, moving away from traditional methods of political campaigning, such as telephone surveys, posed a significant challenge. The company needed to ensure that their predictive models, which are based on machine learning, are updated with the most comprehensive and up-to-date data. One of the most critical sources of data for Deck is news. Therefore, the company needed constant access to high quality, timely, and relevant news data at both national and local levels. The challenge was to find a reliable source that could provide such extensive coverage of news data.
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Deck is a pioneering company that builds predictive tools for political candidates. These tools help candidates identify the right people for their advertising and direct contact campaigns. Deck's customers are political candidates who subscribe to their services for a more cost-effective, time-sensitive, and accurate solution than traditional methods. The subscribers use a web application that gives them access to Deck’s predictions and forecasts for which voters are likely to vote for a particular candidate, and who is likely to be persuadable to change voting preference, provided they are targeted with the right information.
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Quantexa provided the solution to Deck's challenge through its News API. This API aggregates hundreds of thousands of trusted news articles every day, providing Deck with comprehensive national and international news coverage, as well as the critical local news that their clients rely on. Every news article that AYLIEN aggregates is enriched with 25 data points using Quantexa’s NLP technology. This makes it easy for Deck’s clients to search for specific stories, candidates, sources, and more. Deck integrates this news data into its machine learning models, along with other data such as campaign finance records and voter registration data, to provide accurate predictions and forecasts for its clients.
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The integration of Quantexa's News API into Deck's machine learning models has significantly improved the accuracy and timeliness of their election prediction and forecast tool. This has enabled political candidates to run better campaigns and make an impact on voters when and where it counts. The enriched news data provided by Quantexa has made it easy for Deck’s clients to search for specific stories, candidates, sources, and more, thereby enhancing the overall user experience. Furthermore, the reduction in errors has increased the trust of clients in Deck's predictive models, encouraging them to move away from traditional methods and embrace this new approach to political campaigning.
Deck gathers the latest local and national news content through Quantexa News API every day.
56% of Deck’s campaign-level media coverage comes from Quantexa’s News API.
Deck’s models have led to a 50% reduction in the amount of errors generated by polling and survey-based methods.
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