Source Intelligence Case Studies Leveraging IoT to Combat Child Labour in the Carpet Industry
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Leveraging IoT to Combat Child Labour in the Carpet Industry

Source Intelligence
Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Data-as-a-Service
Logistics & Transportation
Supply Chain Visibility
GoodWeave International, an organization dedicated to eradicating child labour in the carpet industry, faced the challenge of effectively monitoring and verifying labour conditions across all tiers of production, including the often overlooked subcontracted homeworker level. The complexity of the supply chain, with multiple stakeholders and their intricate relations, made it difficult to ensure compliance with GoodWeave's no child labour standard. The organization needed a solution that could provide greater transparency, especially at the bottom of the chain, and enable proactive engagement with various actors, quick adjustments by producers, and collaborative efforts with importers to improve workers' conditions sustainably.
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GoodWeave International is a non-profit organization that has been working for over 20 years to end child labour in the carpet industry. The organization certifies carpets against its no child labour standard and as of 2016, also ensures that GoodWeave carpets are free of forced and bonded labour. GoodWeave verifies labour conditions through unannounced inspections at all tiers of production, down to the subcontracted homeworker level. The organization is also replicating its market-based approach in other sectors to combat child labour.
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GoodWeave adopted ChainPoint technology to visualize all data in the supply chain, thereby gaining more information on stakeholders and their relations. The system reveals all tiers involved in manufacturing, from capturing information through interviews of the weavers, to following up on non-compliances by producers. The GoodWeave platform, built on ChainPoint technology, offers functions such as mobile data collection through all tiers of production, interfacing with existing database systems, reporting and providing data analytics, and supply chain mapping. This technology-driven approach has enabled GoodWeave to present data, proactively engage various actors, target producers enabling them to make quick adjustments, and work in collaboration with importers to improve workers’ conditions in a sustainable way.
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The implementation of ChainPoint technology has significantly improved GoodWeave's ability to monitor and verify labour conditions across all tiers of production. The system's ability to visualize all data in the supply chain has provided greater transparency, especially at the bottom of the chain. This has enabled GoodWeave to proactively engage with various actors, target producers for quick adjustments, and collaborate with importers to improve workers' conditions in a sustainable way. The technology has also enhanced GoodWeave's ability to follow up on non-compliances by producers, thereby ensuring better adherence to its no child labour standard.
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