StormGeo Case Studies Leveraging IoT for Weather Forecasting: A Case Study on International Paper
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Leveraging IoT for Weather Forecasting: A Case Study on International Paper

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Backup & Recovery
Sensors - Utility Meters
Paper & Pulp
Facility Management
Onsite Human Safety Management
Structural Health Monitoring
International Paper, a leading producer of fiber-based packaging and pulp, operates a facility in Wilmington, North Carolina, a region frequently threatened by hurricanes and tropical storms. These severe weather events pose significant risks to business operations and employee safety. The Wilmington plant, which employs close to 600 people and produces 2,200 tons of fluff pulp daily, has experienced disruptions due to storms like Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence. Accurate and timely weather forecasting is critical for the company to ensure logistics planning and personnel safety. Prior to implementing a solution, International Paper relied on reports from power companies and general media, which often lacked the necessary details for making informed operational decisions.
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International Paper is a global leader in the production of fiber-based packaging and pulp. The company operates 28 pulp, paper, and packaging mills, 200 converting and packaging plants, and 18 recycling plants, serving over 25,000 customers across 150 countries. The Wilmington facility in North Carolina, located on the south-eastern coast, is one of their key production sites. The plant employs nearly 600 people and produces 2,200 tons of fluff pulp daily, a fiber used in essential products like baby diapers, feminine care products, and medical devices. Ensuring the safety of its employees and maintaining continuous operations, especially during severe weather events, is a top priority for the company.
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International Paper partnered with StormGeo, a provider of weather insights, to gain access to 24/7 meteorological services and site-specific forecasts. StormGeo's services cover all types of weather parameters, including tropical storms and hurricane monitoring, tracking, and impact analysis. This comprehensive and site-specific forecasting, coupled with continuous support, guides International Paper through the complexities of preparing for severe weather events. For instance, during Hurricane Florence in 2018, StormGeo's forecasts helped International Paper make informed decisions about shutting down the facility, evacuating employees, and preparing for the aftermath. The company also used StormGeo's wind profiles to determine the most dangerous times for the onsite crew to be inside the plant and rainfall projections to retain resources for transportation and food prior to the hurricane impact.
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The partnership with StormGeo has significantly improved International Paper's ability to manage severe weather events. The company can now make informed operational decisions, such as whether to shut down the facility, based on reliable data and site-specific forecasts. This has not only reduced downtime and prevented damage but also ensured the safety of their employees. For instance, during Hurricane Florence, the company was able to evacuate employees in time, shut down internal and external power supplies, and prepare for the aftermath. After the storm, the facility was able to quickly assess the damage and take necessary measures to ensure good and safe working conditions for all employees. The company also procured a helicopter in advance, based on the weather forecast, to bring in key personnel for electrical system recovery and critical supplies, ensuring the facility was operational within a few days.
Reduced downtime due to accurate weather forecasting and timely decision-making
Prevented damage to the facility by shutting down operations and evacuating employees in advance of severe weather events
Ensured the facility was up and running within a few days after Hurricane Florence, minimizing production loss
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