Bubble Group Case Studies Leveraging IoT for Social Innovation: A Case Study on The School of Impact
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Leveraging IoT for Social Innovation: A Case Study on The School of Impact

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sensors - Autonomous Driving Sensors
Product Research & Development
Building Automation & Control
Smart Campus
The School of Impact (SOI) was founded by Bobby Smith, a social entrepreneur with a vision to foster global social innovation. The challenge was to create a platform that would allow social entrepreneurs and universities to collaborate on ideas that drive social innovation. The platform needed to be accessible, user-friendly, and capable of supporting a wide range of social innovation projects. Additionally, it was important for the platform to be able to categorize each venture according to the UN Sustainable Development issue area it addresses, and to allow users to show their support for projects they find interesting. The ultimate goal was to create a platform that could leverage the power of universities to support local social innovation at scale.
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The primary users of the SOI app are social entrepreneurs and universities. These users are interested in collaborating on ideas that drive global social innovation. The app allows them to explore different social innovation projects, categorize them according to the UN Sustainable Development issue area they address, and show their support for projects they find interesting. The app also plans to allow users to donate to projects they find interesting in the future. The app's partnership with universities globally allows it to leverage their power to support local social innovation at scale through online courses and a built-in social network.
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The solution was to build an app using Bubble, a no-code platform known for its accessibility and easy-to-use features. The SOI app functions as a Product Hunt for social innovation, allowing users to explore different social innovation projects happening across the world. Each venture is assigned a UN Sustainable Development issue area, and users can 'Hype' and 'Follow' projects they support. The app also plans to allow users to donate to projects they find interesting in the future. The app partners with universities globally to support local social innovation at scale through online courses and a built-in social network. The app was launched successfully and has already signed its first regional leader in Medellin, Colombia.
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The operational results of the SOI app have been significant. The app has successfully created a platform for social entrepreneurs and universities to collaborate on ideas that drive global social innovation. It has also managed to categorize each venture according to the UN Sustainable Development issue area it addresses, and to allow users to show their support for projects they find interesting. The app's partnership with universities globally has allowed it to leverage their power to support local social innovation at scale. The app has also successfully hosted its first global event (Impactathon) with one of the most prestigious universities in Colombia, and signed its first paid service contract to develop social impact education courses for a media company in America.
Launched the app successfully
Signed the first regional leader in Medellin, Colombia
Hosted the first global event (Impactathon) with one of the most prestigious universities in Colombia
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