Bubble Group Case Studies Leveraging IoT for Influencer Marketing: A Case Study on Reachr
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Leveraging IoT for Influencer Marketing: A Case Study on Reachr

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sales & Marketing
Time Sensitive Networking
Reachr, a platform that connects brands and influencers for marketing campaigns, was facing challenges in providing a secure and efficient workspace for collaboration. The founder, Ahmed Tawfik, was previously using 'ready-made' scripts for a classifieds website project. However, he found these scripts limiting and time-consuming. The challenge was to find a solution that could automate the collaboration process, eliminate scams, ensure brands receive their content, and influencers get paid for their work. The platform needed to allow influencers to sign up, create a persona, link their social media accounts, and apply for marketing campaigns. On the other hand, brands needed to be able to sign up, create accounts, and sift through a shortlist of applicants to find the right influencer for their campaign.
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Reachr is a platform that connects brands and influencers for marketing campaigns. It provides a secure and collaborative workspace for both parties, automating the collaboration process. The platform is designed to eliminate scams by ensuring that brands receive their content and influencers get paid for their work. Reachr's customers are both brands looking for influencers to promote their products or services and influencers looking for brands to work with. The platform allows influencers to sign up, create a persona, link their social media accounts, and apply for marketing campaigns. Brands can sign up, create accounts, and sift through a shortlist of applicants to find the right influencer for their campaign.
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The solution came in the form of Bubble, a no-code platform. Ahmed discovered Bubble and realized its potential after building an Airbnb clone without code. He migrated the entire platform to Bubble, which allowed him to add new features easily and take the platform in multiple directions. Bubble's no-code platform made debugging a breeze and designing extremely flexible. It provided a workspace that both the brand and influencer could share, automating the collaboration process. Influencers could sign up, create a persona, link their social media accounts, and apply for marketing campaigns. Brands could sign up, create accounts, and sift through a shortlist of applicants to find the right influencer for their campaign. The platform ensured that brands received their content and influencers got paid for their work, eliminating scams.
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The migration to Bubble has allowed Reachr to execute its vision without too many limitations. The no-code platform has made it easy to add features and take the platform in multiple directions. Debugging has become a breeze and designing is extremely flexible. The platform has been able to automate the collaboration process, ensuring that brands receive their content and influencers get paid for their work. This has helped eliminate scams and increase trust among users. The success of the platform has allowed the founder to move away from the traditional 9-to-5 life and start his own company. The future plans for the app include developing new features, automating as many steps as possible, landing more clients, and adding measurable value with every new collaboration.
The platform became profitable in just a few months.
Reachr is now working with multiple clients.
The platform has thousands of influencers from all around the world.
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