Fergus Case Studies Leveraging IoT for Efficient Management in the Trades Business: A Case Study of KVA Group
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Leveraging IoT for Efficient Management in the Trades Business: A Case Study of KVA Group

Sensors - Electrical Conductivity Sensors
Sensors - Level Sensors
Electrical Grids
Inventory Management
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration
The KVA Group, a Queensland-based electrical company, experienced a significant increase in workload due to the boom in home renovation work in Australia and New Zealand. This surge was a result of the COVID-19 travel bans, which led to an increase in home improvement and renovation jobs. The company, which specializes in residential electrical work, commercial shop fit-outs, air conditioning, and solar collection system installations, saw a 65% jump in home security and automation jobs in just eight months. This increase in workload necessitated the hiring of six new employees and the acquisition of two extra vehicles. The company's co-directors had to redefine their roles to manage the increased demand effectively. However, the traditional methods of job management were proving inefficient and time-consuming, leading to minor jobs falling through the cracks.
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KVA Group is a Queensland-based electrical company that was founded in 2015 by Ben Davis and Elliott Furlong. The company specializes in residential electrical work, commercial shop fit-outs, air conditioning, and solar collection system installations. They have experienced a significant increase in their workload due to a boom in home renovation work in Australia and New Zealand, driven by COVID-19 travel bans. The company has had to hire additional staff and redefine roles to manage this increased demand. They are currently focusing on growth management, aiming to maintain a level of business that allows them to service their customers personally while keeping all staff members busy.
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To manage the increased workload and ensure efficiency, KVA Group implemented Fergus, a cloud-based team management software. This software allowed for effective delegation, scheduling of jobs for staff, and seamless operation regardless of location. The company's bookkeeper also started using Fergus, which provided all necessary information within the system, eliminating the need to consult the co-directors. This solution also eased the previously burdensome task of payroll management. Furthermore, KVA Group integrated the system with their wholesalers, including Lawrence & Hanson and Haymans, ensuring that the suppliers’ CSV price books were always accessible to everyone in the team. This integration provided more clarity and transparency, making everyone's work easier and ensuring that no jobs slipped through the cracks.
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The implementation of Fergus, a cloud-based team management software, has significantly improved the operational efficiency of KVA Group. The software has allowed for effective delegation and scheduling of jobs, enabling the company to manage the increased workload effectively. It has also eased the burden of payroll management, a task that was previously time-consuming. The integration of the system with their wholesalers has ensured that supplier information is readily available to all team members, providing more clarity and transparency. This has resulted in fewer jobs falling through the cracks and has made everyone's work easier. The company's co-directors have been able to redefine their roles and focus on business management and construction management, respectively. The company is now well-positioned for future growth and expansion.
65% increase in home security and automation jobs in just eight months.
Managed to hire 6 new employees and acquire 2 extra vehicles to handle the increased workload.
Implemented a new system that allowed for efficient job management and delegation, reducing time spent on administrative tasks.
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