Bubble Group Case Studies Leveraging Customer Reviews for Business Growth: A Case Study on Repuzen
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Leveraging Customer Reviews for Business Growth: A Case Study on Repuzen

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
Repuzen, a platform designed to help small and local businesses leverage customer reviews, faced the challenge of efficiently collecting and managing customer feedback. The platform aimed to turn online visitors into real customers by utilizing reviews on sites like Google and Facebook. The importance of maintaining good review profiles for businesses has increased due to a surge in consumers trusting online reviews when deciding which local business to visit. However, the process of collecting feedback and managing reviews was not streamlined, making it difficult for businesses to effectively use this strategy. Additionally, Repuzen wanted to provide a quick, easy, and affordable solution for businesses to get more reviews.
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Repuzen's customers are primarily small and local businesses such as restaurants, cafes, and realtors. These businesses are looking to leverage the power of online reviews to attract more customers and compete against larger competitors. They need a simple and efficient way to collect and manage customer feedback, and to maintain good review profiles on sites like Google and Facebook. Repuzen's customers also value the ability to respond to negative feedback without it impacting their review profiles. The platform's ability to provide useful statistics on customer responses and reviews is also beneficial for these businesses.
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Repuzen utilized Bubble's no-code ecosystem to create a platform that allows businesses to easily collect and manage customer reviews. When a business signs up for Repuzen, they provide information on their review profiles and import their customers' email addresses. Repuzen then automatically contacts customers and asks them to rate the business using the Net Promoter Score metric. Positive responders are asked to leave a review, while negative responses are captured so the business can respond without impacting their review profiles. The platform also provides useful statistics so businesses can easily see how many customers are responding and the total number of reviews they earn. Repuzen is also working on a mode that can be set up on a tablet directly in-store, allowing for feedback and review generation as well as email collection.
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Using Bubble's no-code ecosystem, Repuzen was able to quickly build their platform without any unnecessary complications. This allowed them to easily update the platform and add new requested features with a quick turnaround. Since launching, Repuzen has seen signups from a variety of businesses, including some well-known ones. This has inspired the team to continue building and improving the platform. The use of Bubble also allowed Repuzen to quickly launch their platform, which was a significant milestone for the team.
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