Rescale Case Studies Leveraging Cloud Computing for RF Antenna Design: A Case Study of Optisys and Rescale
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Leveraging Cloud Computing for RF Antenna Design: A Case Study of Optisys and Rescale

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Networks & Connectivity - RF Transceivers
Product Research & Development
Virtual Prototyping & Product Testing
Virtual Reality
Hardware Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Optisys, a small radiofrequency (RF) antenna design company based in Utah, faced several challenges in its operations. The company specializes in 3D printing custom RF antenna solutions for military and commercial applications, a field that requires intensive simulations. However, the company's IT infrastructure was not up to the task. Optisys' team members were spread across different regions of the US, making it difficult to collaborate effectively. The company was also limited by the need to set up electromagnetics licenses and mechanical package licenses on local workstations, which meant only one person could use them at a time. Furthermore, the company did not want to invest in setting up a local intranet and server to check out licenses, as this was outside of their core competency. Another challenge was the need to purchase new high-performance computers for simulations every two to three years, a costly and inefficient process.
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Optisys is a Utah-based startup specializing in the design, printing, and testing of metal 3D-printed antennas and RF components. The company focuses on RF and antenna components, integrating several parts into a single 3D print to improve size, weight, performance, and cost of the system. Optisys uses a unique fabrication process that allows it to generate designs and geometries that were not possible just a few years ago. The company's products are designed to withstand extreme environmental and mechanical conditions. Optisys competes with established RF suppliers, leveraging its agility and innovative approach to disrupt the market.
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Optisys found a solution to its challenges in Rescale, a cloud computing platform. Rescale allowed Optisys to run simulations on-demand from anywhere, eliminating the need for a local intranet and server. The platform also eliminated the need for Optisys to purchase and maintain high-performance computers, as Rescale provided the necessary hardware resources. Optisys could scale its hardware solution depending on the work it was performing on any given week. Rescale also supported ITAR simulations, a critical requirement for Optisys' industry. The company primarily used Rescale for ANSYS HFSS and ANSYS Mechanical simulations. The platform allowed Optisys to set up models locally, verify their functionality, set up an optimization, and then send it to Rescale to run the optimization. This freed up local machines for other tasks, boosting productivity. Rescale also enabled Optisys to tackle larger problem sizes and optimize them quickly.
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Rescale has significantly improved Optisys' operational efficiency. The platform has enabled the company to parallelize multiple projects at once, increasing its simulation capacity and allowing it to take on more design work. Rescale has also impacted Optisys' staffing plans, allowing the company to focus more on staffing for engineering positions rather than IT. The platform's ease of use and customer service have been highly beneficial for Optisys. The company plans to continue using Rescale as its hardware platform as it grows, as it sees no reason to develop an internal IT team and hardware suite. Rescale's license hosting service has also been beneficial for Optisys, saving the company a lot of time and effort and enabling it to work from anywhere.
Rescale provides a 3-4x improvement in simulation speed for the majority of problems, significantly more for larger problems.
Rescale allows Optisys to reduce RF design cycles from months to weeks.
Rescale saves Optisys $10,000 to $20,000 per computer that would have been spent on running one license of ANSYS.
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