Eightfold Case Studies Leveraging AI to Eliminate Hiring Bias and Enhance Diversity with Eightfold
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Leveraging AI to Eliminate Hiring Bias and Enhance Diversity with Eightfold

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Smart Campus
Hiring bias is a prevalent issue in many organizations, occurring when employment decisions are influenced by personal characteristics rather than job performance capabilities. This bias can be based on a variety of factors including age, gender, ethnicity, or education. Even well-intentioned decisions can perpetuate bias. For instance, a manager might prefer to recruit from their alma mater, inadvertently perpetuating the university's admission biases and discriminating against individuals with different educational backgrounds. Some biases may be unconscious, such as a manager favoring male candidates without realizing their preference. This situation presents a significant challenge for companies aiming to foster diversity and inclusion in their workforce.
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The customers of Eightfold's Talent Intelligence Platform are companies, hiring managers, CEOs, and CHROs who are committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion in their workforce. These customers recognize the detrimental impact of hiring bias on their organizations and are actively seeking solutions to eliminate it. They value the ability to locate more candidates from underrepresented groups and appreciate the assurance of a non-biased hiring process. These customers are not just looking for a tool to assist in hiring; they are seeking a comprehensive solution that can help them take measurable action towards their diversity and inclusion goals.
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Eightfold's Talent Intelligence Platform offers a solution to this challenge by creating a non-biased hiring process and locating more candidates from diverse backgrounds. The platform uses AI-powered matching based on skills, potential, and interests to quickly identify qualified individuals from underrepresented groups. To further prevent bias from influencing hiring decisions, the platform features a Candidate Masking capability that hides irrelevant personal information, ensuring that hiring managers receive only information pertinent to job performance. This combination of AI-powered matching and Candidate Masking results in a more diverse hiring process. With Eightfold, companies can take measurable action to achieve their diversity and inclusion goals.
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The implementation of Eightfold's Talent Intelligence Platform results in a significant transformation of the hiring process. The platform's AI-powered matching and Candidate Masking capabilities ensure that hiring decisions are based solely on job performance capabilities, eliminating the influence of personal biases. This leads to a more diverse and inclusive workforce, which is known to enhance creativity, innovation, and company performance. Furthermore, the platform's ability to locate more candidates from underrepresented groups expands the talent pool, providing companies with a wider range of skills and experiences to draw from. Ultimately, the platform enables companies to take effective and measurable action towards achieving their diversity and inclusion goals.
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