Fetcher Case Studies Leveraging AI for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Tech Recruitment
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Leveraging AI for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Tech Recruitment

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Time Sensitive Networking
Frame.io, a rapidly growing tech company, was facing a significant challenge in supporting its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives without overburdening its recruitment team. The company was constantly hiring, with diversity hiring being a top priority. Despite receiving numerous referrals and inbound applicants, the team recognized the necessity of sourcing for each role to ensure a strong pipeline of diverse, high-quality candidates. However, the Senior Director of Talent and DE&I, Anna Chalon, and her recruiting team were stretched thin, spending countless hours sourcing for all open roles to build a diverse pipeline.
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Frame.io is a rapidly growing tech company that prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion in its hiring practices. The company is constantly hiring and recognizes the importance of sourcing for each role to ensure a strong pipeline of diverse, high-quality candidates. However, the recruitment team was stretched thin, spending countless hours sourcing for all open roles. The company needed a solution that would allow them to continue their commitment to diversity hiring without overburdening their recruitment team.
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To address the challenge, Frame.io turned to Fetcher, a platform that combines human and machine intelligence to analyze thousands of profiles for every search. This solution allowed Frame.io to build a robust pipeline of diverse, qualified candidates without requiring additional time. Fetcher's capabilities extended beyond sourcing to engagement, enabling Frame.io to send automated, personalized messages to prospects. This gave Frame.io the bandwidth to source for all their open roles and send more outreach than they could manage manually. The solution provided a way to streamline the sourcing process, reduce the workload on the recruitment team, and maintain a focus on diversity hiring.
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The use of Fetcher significantly improved Frame.io's recruitment process. It not only streamlined the sourcing process but also reduced the workload on the recruitment team, allowing them to focus on other important tasks. The automated, personalized messages to prospects increased the efficiency of the recruitment process and enabled the team to reach out to more candidates than they could manage manually. Most importantly, Fetcher helped Frame.io maintain its commitment to diversity hiring, resulting in a significant increase in the hiring of women and underrepresented minorities.
Built a robust, diverse pipeline in just a few weeks
Hired 11 new employees in under 12 months with the help of Fetcher
82% of the new hires (9 out of 11) were women and/or underrepresented minorities
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