Case Studies Largest Community College in North Carolina Creates a Self-Service Reporting Environment with Informer
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Largest Community College in North Carolina Creates a Self-Service Reporting Environment with Informer

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Business Operation
Quality Assurance
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Asset Management
System Integration
Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) faced significant challenges with their existing reporting process. The IT department was primarily responsible for creating and delivering reports, which led to redundancy and inefficiency. Reports were stored in multiple locations, making it difficult to track and maintain them. Additionally, modifying existing reports to add or change fields was time-consuming, slowing down decision-making processes. The previous reporting solution lacked the necessary security features to extend access to the majority of users, creating a bottleneck in report generation and modification. CPCC needed a solution that would allow users to run or modify their own reports without overloading the IT department with requests.
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Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) is the largest community college in North Carolina, offering nearly 300 degree and certification programs. The college also provides customized corporate training, market-focused continuing education, and special interest classes. CPCC had been using Query Builder to run queries against data within their Datatel® database. The IT department was responsible for creating the majority of these reports and delivering them to end users. The reporting process was inefficient, with reports stored in multiple locations and a significant amount of time spent modifying existing reports. CPCC needed a more efficient and secure reporting solution to allow users to create and modify their own reports.
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CPCC selected Informer as their new reporting solution after viewing demos of various options on the market. Informer provided an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop web-based interface that allowed users to customize reports and perform real-time, ad-hoc analysis of school data. The implementation of Informer was straightforward, and the IT department rolled it out by department, converting existing reports and setting up necessary file mappings and security configurations. Users were trained on how to create and modify Informer reports, making future report creation much easier. Informer enabled CPCC to configure security down to the data element, allowing them to extend reporting access to a broader range of users while maintaining control over data access.
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The majority of the college is now self-sufficient in creating, modifying, and delivering reports, reducing the workload on the IT department.
The implementation of Informer has led to significant cost, time, and workload savings for the IT department and increased productivity for other departments.
The intuitive, point-and-click interface of Informer has made it easy for users to create their own reports, saving them a great deal of time.
Over 300 Informer users at CPCC.
Significant cost savings from reduced IT workload.
Increased productivity across multiple departments.
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