Radware Case Studies Large wholesale bank in New England provides members with continuous,secure access for online e-commerce applications with Radware’s LinkProof solutions.
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Large wholesale bank in New England provides members with continuous,secure access for online e-commerce applications with Radware’s LinkProof solutions.

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
System Integration
The largest wholesale bank in New England began offering financial services via the Internet and provided additional critical business applications for its members, processing millions of dollars per week. Its goal was to have near 100% uptime for these critical e-commerce applications and to provide fast, consistent Internet access. The Bank’s network and Internet access had to provide its members with the appropriate security to protect crucial data and information that was being processed through its web site. The Bank was also planning to expand its member base and would have to plan its network and Internet availability to support this growth. It wanted to implement Internet load balancing between the primary Boston site and its Disaster Recovery (DR) site to enhance its e-commerce performance and reliability, as well as add an automatic failover to the DR site in the event that its Boston site was unavailable.
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The largest wholesale bank in New England for housing finance, cooperatively owned by more than 460 New England financial institutions, provides access to wholesale credit for its member banks and other qualified borrowers. The Bank supports the residential mortgage and community development lending activities of its member financial institutions. Use of the Bank’s products and services help its members operate profitably and offers their communities a wide range of financial services.
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The Bank has two Internet access points from two different Internet Service Providers (ISPs): a multiple T1 connection from AT&T and a 100Mbps connection from Cogent. It also has an additional T1 connection from AT&T which is dedicated to its Disaster Recover site. The primary site and the DR site are connected to each other by a T3 lease line (Clear Channel.) These links are load balanced for optimal Internet connection at all times. The Bank turned to Select, a leading provider of end-to-end IT infrastructure solutions in New England, and also a value-added reseller that assists and supports the implementation of Radware products on corporate networks. Select recommended Radware’s LinkProof solution running on Radware’s Application Switch 2 as the only solution that would effectively provide Internet load balancing and high availability.
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The Bank is able to achieve 99.99% availability and reliability to its web site.
LinkProof ensures availability of all Internet links for continuous user access to the Bank’s online services and networked e-commerce applications.
By optimizing resources and improving QoS, the Bank is able to provide a better user experience.
Through optimization of all links, the Bank realized a ROI in 3 months.
A 30% savings of bandwidth was achieved.
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