NETSCOUT Case Studies Large Multi-National Beverage Manufacturer Keeps Orders Flowing with NETSCOUT Solution
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Large Multi-National Beverage Manufacturer Keeps Orders Flowing with NETSCOUT Solution

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Food & Beverage
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Remote Asset Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
The multi-national manufacturing company relied heavily on their ERP system from SAP to operate their business but performance problems were impacting customer service, limiting revenue opportunity, and risking the company’s reputation. In many cases, it would take customer service representatives 8 – 9 minutes to enter a customer order into the system that should normally take about 1 minute. The delay was caused by slow performance with the ERP screens and the system temporarily freezing. It was not uncommon for the system to freeze multiple times during a single transaction and the customer service representatives found themselves making small talk each time. Not only did this risk damage to the company’s reputation, but it also impacted the total number of orders that could be taken on any given day which affected overall revenue. This was a critical problem that needed to be addressed. The IT team was running blind with no network, server, or application monitoring or management. They had been trying to solve the problem by manually parsing log files, which was not only time consuming but not working. They knew they needed better visibility and a tool that could point them to the root cause.
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This multi-national manufacturing company operates across hundreds of locations throughout Europe and Asia, brewing and delivering over a hundred brands of beer in 150 countries. In an effort to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and improve customer service, they have centralized global procurement, logistics, and end-to-end planning through the supply chain. This requires a large, distributed Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and it must perform well in order to reach their revenue and productivity goals while simultaneously providing superior customer service.
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With the ordering process being impacted, as well as other ERP performance issues impacting productivity throughout the company, they turned to NETSCOUT® to identify the root cause, triage, and resolve the issues. The nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform with Adaptive Service IntelligenceTM (ASI) technology, along with InfiniStreamNG appliances, provides visibility into the ERP system, including the application, servers, network, and service dependencies. In addition to visibility, the intelligence in the system allows the IT team to quickly find, troubleshoot, and fix problems when they arise. The NETSCOUT solution finds the root causes of issues in minutes that were undiscovered by IT teams who had spent weeks pouring through log files trying to find them. The nGeniusONE solution was quick to solve the known problems as well as continuously monitor to detect and solve any new issues that arose over time. The order entry issue was diagnosed swiftly after monitoring the service and viewing analysis in the dashboard. With over a million transactions per hour, finding the root cause of the slowdowns and frozen screen issues was a monumental task. Combined with the fact that multiple issues contributed to creating these significant delays across so many transactions, the complexity was a major challenge for the IT Team.
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Eliminated risk of damaging their business reputation by addressing ERP delays that were severely impacting customer service
Improved revenue opportunities and employee productivity by proactively addressing ERP and UC&C performance issues
The IT team is more efficient and collaborative allowing them to focus on higher level business needs
Reduced order entry time from 8-9 minutes to about 1 minute
Increased the total number of orders that could be taken on any given day
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