InterVision Case Studies LAMCO Leverages Flexibility and Scalability of Bluelock’s Cloud to Manage and Wind-Down Assets of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
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LAMCO Leverages Flexibility and Scalability of Bluelock’s Cloud to Manage and Wind-Down Assets of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
LAMCO, the operating company for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LBHI), was formed in 2010 to manage Lehman’s commercial real estate, mortgages, principal investments, private equity, corporate debt and derivatives assets. However, the unplanned Chapter 11 filing and subsequent sale of major Lehman divisions left LBHI with no systems in place to support the management and wind-down of its assets. The company was forced to quickly build an infrastructure and technology that would meet the size, scope and capacity requirements required by the estate. The challenge was to build an infrastructure that would assume peak capacity on day one and then be positioned to wind-down over time. The company began to look into cloud computing, as it offered ‘pay-by-the-drink’ pricing, scalability and the ability to manage the entire infrastructure as a single entity.
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LAMCO is an asset management business that was formed in 2010 as the operating company for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LBHI). The company specializes in managing Lehman’s commercial real estate, mortgages, principal investments, private equity, corporate debt and derivatives assets. LAMCO was created as part of the Chapter 11 reorganization plan that was filed in the Spring of 2010, following Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Chapter 11 filing in March 2008. The company provides management services to Lehman, administers its assets and offers long-term employment opportunities for the hundreds of Lehman employees working to liquidate the former investment bank’s estate.
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LAMCO turned to cloud computing to meet its unique needs. The company submitted requests for proposal to seven large cloud hosting companies, and ultimately selected Bluelock’s VMware based public cloud. The decision was based on competitive pricing, market performance, flexibility and their commitment to company strategy. Bluelock’s cloud offered the flexibility and scalability LAMCO sought. Even when initial estimates widely differed from what was actualized in the project, LAMCO was able to achieve their migration goal. The flexibility of Bluelock’s cloud enabled LAMCO to add more memory into given areas and disks into given business units, helping keep them on target despite all of the uncertainties and the lack of transparencies they had with their original capacity requirements.
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LAMCO was able to build an infrastructure that met the size, scope and capacity requirements required by the Lehman estate.
The company was able to achieve their migration goal, despite initial estimates widely differing from what was actualized in the project.
LAMCO was able to add more memory into given areas and disks into given business units, helping keep them on target despite all of the uncertainties and the lack of transparencies they had with their original capacity requirements.
Originally assessed that 13 TB of data would be migrated, but in the end, it was well in excess of 65 TB.
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