EMnify Case Studies Kairos: Providing Reliable, Realtime Information to Quickly and Easily Track School Buses
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Kairos: Providing Reliable, Realtime Information to Quickly and Easily Track School Buses

Networks & Connectivity - Cellular
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Human Resources
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Vehicle Telematics
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
Kairos, a company founded by several bus companies in response to serious cost pressure on French school bus operators, was looking for a solution to provide efficient fleet management at a low cost. The company faced substantial cost pressures as they had to work with minimal operating margins due to government funding. Most fleet management solutions were not tailored to meet the specific demands of school bus operators – they were often too expensive and too complicated, thereby counterproductive to cost efficiency. Kairos was looking for a solution that could provide real-time bus tracking for full control over the fleet, effortless driver wage management, and flexibility and adaptability to the needs of fleet managers.
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Kairos is a company that provides school bus operators with efficient fleet management at a low cost. The company was founded by several bus companies in response to serious cost pressure on French school bus operators. The name Kairos is derived from the Greek god who personified opportunity, luck, and favourable moments, reflecting the company's commitment to efficient school bus operations. The company operates in 16 countries, serving over 20 bus companies with more than 3,500 connected devices. Kairos aims to provide reliable and safe service while keeping costs as low as possible.
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Kairos partnered with EMnify for their fleet management solution. EMnify met their number one requirement: reliable cellular connectivity. For the Kairos solution to work, the device on board the bus must reliably communicate with the central infrastructure for real-time management and monitoring to work. EMnify works across borders, which is essential for bus operators working across borders to not lose signal or inflate expenses with additional roaming costs. The EMnify SIM automatically finds the best network wherever the vehicle is at any given point in time. EMnify also offers flexibility, allowing operators to choose the package that fits their needs. It allows for total cost control and stable connectivity costs through tailor-made packages and usage limits. The existence of an API was a key factor in Kairos’s decision to choose EMnify as their partner. The EMnify API makes it easy to scale as the user base grows and functionalities are continuously expanded.
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Through the Kairos management platform, they can see where a single bus is at any given time, whether it is on schedule or being delayed, whether an alternative vehicle is needed, and whether the entire schedule must be adapted.
With the help of EMnify’s REST API, SIM provisioning connectivity management can be automated (previously done manually) and integrated into the Kairos application, allowing the company to scale easily.
Payroll management effort has been reduced significantly because wage calculation is done automatically based on the tracking data, which saves time.
3,500+ connected devices
Operating in 16 countries
Serving 20+ bus companies
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