ServiceNow Case Studies JoyTunes uses Appsee to improve retention, usability and conversions
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JoyTunes uses Appsee to improve retention, usability and conversions

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Product Research & Development
Data Science Services
JoyTunes is an innovative company that uses gamification and audio technology to revolutionize the way people learn and practice music. The company wanted to better understand their users, eliminate usability issues within the app, and increase user retention and in-app conversions. They were looking for a solution that could provide them with real insights into their users' in-app behavior and help them measure, understand, and improve the user experience.
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JoyTunes is an innovative company that uses the power of gamification and audio technology to revolutionize the way people learn and practice music. They aim to make learning and practicing music more engaging and effective by integrating it with technology. They were looking for a solution to better understand their users, eliminate usability issues within their app, and increase user retention and in-app conversions.
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JoyTunes decided to implement Appsee's Mobile Analytics solution. This in-app mobile analytics solution enabled JoyTunes to measure, understand, and improve the user experience. It provided single user session recordings, aggregated heatmaps, and real insights into their users' in-app behavior. With this solution, JoyTunes was able to identify and eliminate usability issues within the app, leading to an increase in user retention and in-app conversions.
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Increased retention by 25% for 1 week and 1 month user
Increased the number of users that get to advanced levels by 20% after introducing a 'tutorial' page
Doubled the amount of users that completed the on-boarding process (played the first song)
25% increase in retention for 1 week and 1 month users
20% increase in the number of users that get to advanced levels
100% increase in the number of users that completed the on-boarding process
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