GridPoint Case Studies IoT Energy Management: The Source's 18% Savings Within One Month
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IoT Energy Management: The Source's 18% Savings Within One Month

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sensors - Utility Meters
Electrical Grids
Personnel Tracking & Monitoring
Retail Store Automation
The Source, Canada's largest tech retailer, was facing a multitude of challenges common in the retail industry. The rise of digital marketplaces, increasing customer expectations, and shifts in customer behavior were all contributing to the need for improved operational efficiencies and customer experience. The Source was also grappling with rising utility rates across its hundreds of locations in Canada, leading to significant increases in utility costs over the past few years. The company needed an IoT solution that could provide real-time control and insight into energy usage to maximize savings. The solution had to be scalable to allow remote control of multiple locations and had to be installed with minimal disruption to customers and staff.
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The Source is Canada's largest tech retailer, with hundreds of locations across the country. Like many other companies in the retail industry, The Source has been grappling with the challenges posed by the rise of digital marketplaces, increasing customer expectations, and shifts in customer behavior. These challenges have necessitated improvements in operational efficiencies and customer experience. Additionally, The Source has been dealing with rising utility rates, leading to significant increases in utility costs over the past few years.
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The Source piloted GridPoint’s Energy Management platform at two locations for three months, as recommended by GridPoint partner, Bell Canada. This comprehensive cloud-based suite of hardware, software, and services provided a single point of control to monitor and manage energy-consuming assets like HVAC and lighting systems, ensuring operational consistency and predictable energy spend. The platform allowed The Source to monitor and manage HVAC systems in all stores, with pre-defined and pre-scheduled store temperatures ensuring a consistently comfortable environment for customers and staff. Analytics monitored for anomalies in HVAC performance, triggering notifications if issues were detected. This allowed The Source to schedule proactive maintenance to avoid costly future repairs or uncomfortable outages. The centralized platform simplified operations and helped keep track of historical data for better future planning.
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The pilot of GridPoint’s Energy Management platform was highly successful for The Source. Not only did it lead to significant energy savings, but it also increased facility efficiency and enabled more informed capital planning. The granular data collection, advanced analytics, and intelligent controls of the platform enabled continuously improving energy savings. Automated temperature control also relieved store managers of one responsibility, allowing them to focus on other important tasks. As a result of the pilot's success, The Source has begun rolling out the solution to 50 more stores across Canada and plans to continue partnering with Bell on future solutions to enhance efficiency and customer experience.
18% reduction in energy costs within three months
Return on investment realized within one month
Solution rolled out to 50 more stores across Canada
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