Fishbowl Inventory Case Studies Inventory Management Transformation at Pics Peanut Butter
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Inventory Management Transformation at Pics Peanut Butter

Fishbowl Inventory
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Predictive Replenishment
System Integration
Pics Peanut Butter, a New Zealand-based company that manufactures and sells peanut butter globally, was facing significant challenges in managing its inventory. The company imports peanuts primarily from Australia and caters to both local and international markets. The existing inventory management system was heavily reliant on multiple Excel spreadsheets, which made it difficult to manage inventory across various locations. This system required a lot of manual entry, leading to countless hours spent on rectifying errors and making corrections. The company also lacked a robust purchase order system and controls around cost.
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Pics Peanut Butter is a New Zealand-based company that was established in 2012. The company freshly roasts and squashes all their Australian Hi Oleic peanuts in Nelson, New Zealand. Pics Peanut Butter is available in supermarkets around the world and sells 20,000 jars a day. The company imports peanuts mostly from Australia and manufactures peanut butter for both local and export markets.
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Pics Peanut Butter implemented Fishbowl, an inventory management solution, to address its challenges. Fishbowl was used extensively for managing purchase orders, work orders, transfer and sales orders. The system was also synced with the company's accounting software, Reckon, which was a crucial factor in choosing the inventory management system. An unexpected benefit of implementing Fishbowl was that it immediately highlighted areas where the company was cutting corners, forcing them to correct their systems. The company is also planning to implement Fishbowl Go for gaining even greater insights into their business.
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The implementation of Fishbowl brought significant improvements to Pics Peanut Butter's operations. The new system streamlined the management of purchase orders, work orders, transfer and sales orders, reducing the time and effort spent on manual entries and error corrections. The integration with the accounting software, Reckon, also improved the financial management of the company. Moreover, Fishbowl highlighted areas where the company was cutting corners, leading to necessary system corrections. The company is now on the verge of implementing Fishbowl Go, which is expected to provide even greater business insights.
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