IBM Case Studies Inventive Launches crowd-sourcing portal to support equitable online collaboration
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Inventive Launches crowd-sourcing portal to support equitable online collaboration

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Business Operation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Inventive, a company committed to equitable, collaborative innovation, was looking to launch its fair-trade crowdsourcing portal. For this, it needed a flexible, cost-effective development platform and high-performance cloud hosting infrastructure. The company needed to ensure that the infrastructure was scalable to continue extending its portal solution as needed. The platform also needed to offer on-demand development capabilities to agilely support new projects.
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Inventive is a company founded in 2011 and headquartered in Soisy-sur-Seine, France. The company is committed to equitable, collaborative innovation. Inventive's cornerstone platform shares technical and business challenges from leading organizations to help individuals develop and sell groundbreaking ideas. The company was looking to launch its fair-trade crowdsourcing portal and needed a flexible, cost-effective development platform and high-performance cloud hosting infrastructure.
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Inventive joined the IBM Global Entrepreneur program, developing its solution in an IBM Bluemix environment running on powerful SoftLayer cloud technology. After evaluating OVH and Amazon Web Services platforms, the company provisioned virtual server infrastructure in the SoftLayer data center in Paris to host its new portal. The SoftLayer technology provides the scalable infrastructure Inventive requires to continue extending its portal solution as needed, and the IBM Bluemix platform offers on-demand development capabilities to agilely support new projects.
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Accelerated provisioning to flexibly and rapidly accommodate new demands
Global presence to target new markets worldwide, including Africa and North America
Scalable infrastructure to continue extending portal solution as needed
EUR800 in monthly savings anticipated with SoftLayer cloud hosting infrastructure
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