NETSCOUT Case Studies International Stock Exchange Improves Performance of Trading Floor Applications
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International Stock Exchange Improves Performance of Trading Floor Applications

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Discrete Manufacturing
Process Control & Optimization
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The International stock exchange was experiencing slowdowns and disruptions in several of their business applications, like Web services, Citrix, and backend databases. Simultaneously, issues were impacting the application services used on their trading floor, such as FIX and ITCH. The importance of a properly operating trading floor can’t be understated, where the difference in response time of only milliseconds can mean millions in global currencies. The IT team had long been strong proponents of performance monitoring tools to help troubleshoot the source of such problems. Their existing tool offered limited application analysis, which while helpful when they first started using it years ago, now lacked depth of analysis, real-time monitoring, and key details to pinpoint the true root cause of these disruptions.
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This International stock exchange is trusted by hundreds of issuers around the world and boasts a market capitalization exceeding tens of billions of dollars. To support its international clientele, the stock exchange product offerings include equities, exchange traded funds, warrants and certificates, bonds, commodities and indices, and derivatives. As an innovative leader in exchanges, they depend on their technology for processing millions of orders every day and should a disruption occur, the results can be catastrophic. So, it is understandable that they are driven to assure the performance and service delivery of their global enterprise.
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The Exchange’s IT team recognized that their existing management tools were ineffective in troubleshooting their business and trading application service issues. They needed wirebased traffic to improve visibility and analysis and to reduce mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) for business- disrupting and customerimpacting problems. After a careful and thorough evaluation, the architecture and engineering team at the Exchange selected and implemented the nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform and InfiniStreamNG appliances with Adaptive Service Intelligence™ (ASI) technology for real-time, in-depth, smart data. The members of the architecture and engineering team are leveraging the common user interface in nGeniusONE for smart analytics to seamlessly and contextually go from health status in dashboard views, to service dependency maps, to session analysis and service monitors to precisely pinpoint errors and service disruptions. With highly specialized service monitors, the staff is gaining holistic analysis on all dependencies for a service from the Web front end, to DNS services, to application servers, through to database services, to truly discover where slowdowns are occurring.
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Shortened MTTR by quickly identifying the source of issues in back office and on trading floor
Reduced costs and complexity with a single vendor for service assurance management
Protected their client facing trading application performance
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