Flexport Case Studies Intermax's Enhanced Efficiency and Visibility with Flexport
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Intermax's Enhanced Efficiency and Visibility with Flexport

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Marine & Shipping
Logistics & Transportation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Supply Chain Visibility
Intermax, a technical outerwear manufacturer based in Seoul, South Korea, faced significant challenges in its supply chain operations. The company, which has offices and factories across Vietnam, prioritizes getting products to its customers quickly. This requires importing materials from various countries before production can commence. In this process, Intermax was constantly seeking ways to gain efficiencies and reduce logistical lead times. However, like many Asian manufacturers, Intermax relied on its customers to choose the freight forwarder for shipping, leading to concerns about new processes, uncertainty, and potential impacts on time and cost. In 2016, one of Intermax's customers faced shipping issues with a production line, prompting the customer to suggest using Flexport's services. Despite initial skepticism about partnering with a new freight forwarder, Intermax decided to give Flexport a try.
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Intermax is a technical outerwear manufacturer established in 1995 in Seoul, South Korea. The company has offices and factories across Vietnam and exports its products to customers around the world, particularly in the US and Italy. Intermax prioritizes getting its products to customers quickly and is constantly seeking ways to gain efficiencies and reduce logistical lead times. The company imports materials from various countries before production can commence. Intermax had been relying on its customers to choose the freight forwarder for shipping, leading to concerns about new processes, uncertainty, and potential impacts on time and cost.
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Flexport, a freight forwarder nominated by Intermax's customers, provided a platform for Intermax to manage bookings, documents, communications with all shipping parties, and track shipments. This partnership with Flexport's dedicated team at origin led to increased efficiency and transparency in Intermax's supply chain management. Flexport's technology platform stood out among other freight forwarders, helping to speed up operations. Intermax's team could now place bookings and manage documents online, saving time previously spent on phone calls, emails, and corrections. The platform also provided real-time access to the same information for everyone, eliminating the need to wait for printed documents from freight forwarders. Additionally, Flexport's platform enabled instant availability of the bill of lading after the boat had sailed, a process that typically took 3 to 4 days with other freight forwarders. This greatly improved Intermax's cash flow.
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The partnership with Flexport has brought about significant operational improvements for Intermax. The ease of communication with Flexport's team, their responsiveness, and lack of bureaucracy set them apart from other freight forwarders, making the experience of working with them painless. The real-time access to shipping information on a single platform eliminated the need to wait for printed documents from freight forwarders, speeding up operations. Flexport's understanding of customer service and their efforts to make things easier and less stressful for Intermax have been highly appreciated. The success of the partnership is evident in the fact that Intermax has introduced Flexport to many of its customers. Flexport has become more than just a freight forwarder for Intermax; it has become an important business partner helping them reach their customers quickly.
5-6 days faster to receive payments from customers due to real-time data and information on Flexport’s platform
20 fewer emails due to the company’s instant updates and platform communications
Reduced time spent on phone calls, emails, and corrections due to online booking and document management
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