NETSCOUT Case Studies Intelligent Early Warning and Seamless Workflows Enable Quick Resolution of Customer Outage
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Intelligent Early Warning and Seamless Workflows Enable Quick Resolution of Customer Outage

Networks & Connectivity - Cellular
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Logistics & Transportation
System Integration
The customer, a leading provider of wireless voice and data services with over 90 million mobile subscribers, was facing a situation where several of its customers were having a problem getting authorization to the 3G network. The operations team responsible for this part of the network was unable to identify the problem with their existing performance monitoring tools even though they could see the RADIUS requests being sent from the eHRPD network. The service provider was deploying an LTE network alongside their existing 3G CDMA2000 network, and as such, required connectivity between the technology domains to assure that their subscribers will have a seamless user experience as they move from the coverage area of one Radio Access Technology (RAT) to another.
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The customer is a leading provider of wireless voice and data services with over 90 million mobile subscribers. They deliver a wide array of services over their 3G and LTE networks to customers in North America. The customer is deploying an LTE network alongside their existing 3G CDMA2000 network, and as such, requires connectivity between the technology domains to assure that their subscribers will have a seamless user experience as they move from the coverage area of one Radio Access Technology (RAT) to another.
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The nGenius® solution was deployed to monitor the HSS platform in the IP core to provide visibility into applications like Diameter that supported authorization and authentication to the LTE network as well as the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). They had deployed the nGenius analytics module to provide visibility into the health of the transactions that enabled the customer to attach to the network and access mobile data services. The nGenius solution was configured to break out the performance of this aspect of user experience on a regionby-region basis so they could more easily isolate the location of the problem as well as understand which customers were being affected when there was an issue. The team monitoring the performance in the IP core noticed an increase in the amount of authentication denials in one area of the network. The nGenius solution was able to provide them the magnitude and region of the network where customers were experiencing the problem. Further analysis quickly showed that while there was still the same number of successful authorizations to the LTE network, there was an increase in the number of requests all of which were subsequently denied.
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Early warning indication of abnormal behavior with service enabling applications that can affect user experience
Comprehensive workflows from alerting to analysis to resolution
Ability to identify what services, what locations and what customers are affected by a problem
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