Case Studies Integrated, Efficient School Bus Software
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Integrated, Efficient School Bus Software

Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Networks & Connectivity - RFID
Sensors - GPS
Facility Management
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Remote Asset Management
Track & Trace of Assets
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
West Fargo Public Schools faced the challenge of consistently increasing school board enrollment and the complexity of delivering constantly changing routes. The district operates 29 regular education routes, contracts 24 routes with Valley Bus, and has 12 special education routes. The special education routes are particularly challenging as they serve children with disabilities, who may have different drop-off locations on different days of the week. This requires constant re-routing and the addition of new buses. The district also buses all of their own field trips and sporting events, adding to the complexity of their transportation needs.
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West Fargo Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in North Dakota, with a student enrollment of 11,000 and climbing. The district operates 29 regular education routes, contracts 24 routes with Valley Bus, and has 12 special education routes serving children with disabilities. The district also manages transportation for field trips and sporting events. The transportation department, led by Brad Redmond, faces significant challenges in ensuring student safety and managing flexible routing. The district's transportation needs are complex, requiring constant updates and adjustments to accommodate new students and changing schedules.
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To address these challenges, West Fargo Public Schools implemented TripSpark's VEO Suite, which includes VEO Transportation for scheduling and routing, VEO Now GPS/AVL system for real-time tracking, and School View for administrative access. The GPS trackers and RFID card readers installed in the buses allow for precise tracking of student boarding and alighting times and locations. This integrated solution provides local school administrators with real-time bus location and ridership information, enabling them to respond quickly to parent inquiries about late buses or missing children. The system's calendar-based routing feature allows for flexible scheduling, accommodating the unique needs of special education students and other transportation requirements.
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The implementation of TripSpark's VEO Suite has significantly reduced the number of calls about lost students, as the system allows for quick and easy tracking of students riding the bus.
The calendar-based routing feature has simplified the process of managing constantly changing routes, particularly for special education students with varying drop-off locations.
The integrated solution, which includes GPS/AVL systems and RFID technology, ensures that all components work seamlessly together, providing a reliable and efficient transportation management system.
Student enrollment at West Fargo Public Schools is 11,000 and climbing.
The district operates 29 regular education routes and contracts 24 routes with Valley Bus.
There are 12 special education routes serving children with disabilities.
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