Qlik Case Studies Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica Only Makes Decisions With QlikView
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Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica Only Makes Decisions With QlikView

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Product Research & Development
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica (ITC) was undergoing a transformation affecting its entire internal structure. The institute wanted to speed up all its systems, from decision making to the management of processes designed with its associates. This project became a high priority for management. The ITC needed to integrate all its information sources to allow data analysis based on scorecards, helping them to react in real time. Until QlikView was implemented, the ITC had no system for dynamic information management that could assist in analysing different key success factors and results. The ITC was looking for a business intelligence (BI) solution that would provide useful information in real time, with a commitment to user independence in accessing the data.
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Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica (ITC) is a research and teaching centre that works closely with the ceramics industry in Spain. Using advanced technology the ITC undertakes research, as well as advising and promoting R&D projects, to improve the manufacture of ceramic tiles. The ITC is a leader in technological innovation and design processes in ceramics in Spain. It anticipates the needs of the market and consumers in terms of the use and utility of ceramics, through professional management of a highly qualified team committed to excellence. To carry out its work, the institute has a staff of around 90, 65 per cent of whom have advanced degrees. They include 20 university professors, members of the Chemical Engineering Department at Jaume I University, while another 14 hold doctorates. They have around €6 million invested in research and development (R&D) fixed assets.
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After assessing several BI applications, the ITC Systems Department judged QlikView to be the best BI solution because of its fast implementation and ease of use. QlikView has become the platform used by senior ITC managers to meet strategic, business and technology objectives. The application helps them to measure and analyse all these variables and make appropriate decisions. More than 50 licences have been implemented, with general scorecards for senior managers, area heads, and cost centre managers. Ease of use and the potential to create different virtual environments, depending on the constraints introduced, have contributed to the high acceptance level since implementation. QlikView deployment has moved forward in phases, reaching all areas of the company.
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Generate efficiency and effectiveness indicators from different perspectives such as financial sustainability, customers, internal processes and resources
Trend analysis and improved monitoring of key performance indicators, both internal and external
Decentralisation of information
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