Case Studies Installation of AX Series Achieves Virtualization of Server Load Balancer Environment and Consolidation of Equipment
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Installation of AX Series Achieves Virtualization of Server Load Balancer Environment and Consolidation of Equipment

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Middleware & Microservices
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Private Cloud
Business Operation
Product Research & Development
Infrastructure Inspection
Remote Asset Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
The game industry demands rapid service cycles, especially for mobile and web-based games. As the use of private and public cloud technologies has increased, the time to shape and release new game ideas has contracted significantly. This has placed more demanding requests on the Infrastructure Team, often requiring immediate preparation of load balancers towards the end of a development stage. Previously, procuring and configuring load balancers took several months, which was not sustainable for the fast-paced game industry. GameOn sought to improve this situation by installing a load balancer with virtualization features during a support contract termination.
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GameOn Co., Ltd., founded in 2001 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a company that manages and develops online games for PCs and mobile devices. The company also offers software licenses to Internet cafes for using online games and operates online web portal sites for these games. Additionally, GameOn holds business licenses for merchandising rights utilizing the licensing of online games. The company is known for its rapid service cycles, especially in the mobile and web-based game sectors, which demand quick infrastructure development to keep up with the fast-paced industry.
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GameOn chose A10’s AX Series for its advanced virtualization features, which allowed the company to virtualize its load balancer infrastructure and shorten the time required to deploy new capacity. The AX Series' Application Delivery Partition (ADP) feature was a decisive factor, enabling the integration of load balancers of different configurations such as Layer 3, Layer 4, and Network Address Translation (NAT). The installation was carried out in two phases: first, structuring a virtual environment equivalent to the existing one, and then restructuring it into a live environment. A10 provided technical information, evaluation equipment, and various forms of support during the installation phase. The AX Series drastically reduced the deployment time for new load balancers, enabling GameOn to fulfill expansion requests from the Development Department within a day.
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Consolidated five pairs of load balancers into one pair, increasing the reliability of the overall system.
Reduced the time to install new load balancers to 15 minutes using a template for ADPs.
Provided a highly extensible platform for future growth, allowing for easy expansion by adding hardware resources.
Reduced SLB install time to 15 minutes.
Consolidated five pairs of load balancers into one pair.
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