Amazon Web Services Case Studies Innovative Cloud Migration: A Case Study of innogy Czech
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Innovative Cloud Migration: A Case Study of innogy Czech

Amazon Web Services
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Public Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Private Cloud
Electrical Grids
Facility Management
Human Resources
Building Automation & Control
Construction Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
innogy Czech, a leading European energy company, was faced with the challenge of migrating its mission-critical SAP systems to a new location after the closure of its data center in Brno, Czech Republic due to flood risk. The company had to decide between moving its SAP implementation to a new data center in Germany or migrating to the public cloud, which would align with the organization’s cloud-first strategy. The company’s IT team saw an opportunity to transform operations by moving to the cloud, not only to keep up with future business growth but also to take advantage of the agility, flexibility, and management efficiency of the cloud. The company saw the shift from capital expenditure to operating expenditure as another potential benefit. However, the migration process was fraught with challenges, including the need to migrate dozens of terabytes of SAP data, complete a replatforming of the Linux operating system and Oracle database, and convert the data to Unicode, all without negatively affecting business activities and customers.
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innogy Czech, formerly known as RWE, is an established European energy company that provides gas, electricity, and other services to 1.6 million customers in the Czech Republic. innogy Czech operates 65,000 km of electrical grids, manages six underground gas-storage facilities with a total capacity of 2.7 billion cubic meters, and produces heat and electricity in 18 plants. With its three business areas—renewables, grid and infrastructure, and retail—the company is well equipped to work in a modern, decarbonized, decentralized, and digital energy world. innogy Czech strives to offer its customers innovative and sustainable products and services to help them use energy more efficiently and improve their quality of life.
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To meet its goals, innogy Czech selected Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its cloud-service provider. AWS provided cost savings, high capacity, and flexibility, which directly supported the innogy Czech cloud-first strategy. AWS also met innogy Czech’s requirements to comply with data-protection regulations including ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. innogy Czech first migrated its SAP human resources workload to AWS, followed by IS-U, CRM and BO/BW. The company used AWS Direct Connect to build a stable, redundant, and encrypted connection between its existing data center and the AWS Cloud. By running Oracle Enterprise Edition on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, the IT staff could take advantage of Oracle Secure Backup, which provides database backup, restore, and recovery capability to the system. The backups were stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and will eventually be moved to Amazon Glacier, for ultra-low cost and high durability.
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By migrating to AWS, innogy Czech was able to build a lean, secure, and highly available SAP system. The company was able to speed resource deployment and streamline its change-management process, enabling rapid go-to-market deployments of both software and resources. Delivery of business services was also accelerated because hardware was no longer utilized to support the company’s SAP systems. As a result, technology became an enabler of business innovation instead of a blocker. The company also gained cost and usage transparency, allowing it to manage resources more efficiently. On the customer side, the new SAP cloud platform simplified support processes and helped customers save money. The company also improved its recruiting capabilities by being on the cloud, using it as a way to attract and retain talent both internally and externally.
Provisioned the new system in only a few weeks, compared to the months it would take using the company’s previous data-center model.
Reduced its production SAP IS-U database by 30 percent by moving to Linux and the latest Oracle version.
Compute resources on AWS cost 20 percent less than on-premises deployments, especially when migrating to the Linux platform.
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