C5i Case Studies Improving Loan Origination Process with Risk Analytics
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Improving Loan Origination Process with Risk Analytics

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Finance & Insurance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Data Science Services
System Integration
The client, a US-based auto finance company, was approving all loan applications at the origination stage. They desired to build a new risk-based loan application analytics solution to better understand their existing customers and manage risks, profitability, and growth more effectively. The challenge was to profile, model, extract, and automate data into one repository for the loan origination process. This included statistical evaluation of the borrowers’ characteristics, risk-based pricing model based on the riskiness of the customer, and real-time decision-making application for monitoring performance, decision support, and automated scoring of customers.
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The customer is a US-based auto finance company. They are in the financial services industry and have a large scale operation, with over 1,000 employees. The company was facing challenges in managing risks, profitability, and growth due to their existing practice of approving all loan applications at the origination stage. They desired to build a new risk-based loan application analytics solution to better understand their existing customers and manage their portfolio more effectively.
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Blueocean Market Intelligence provided a comprehensive solution to the client's challenges. They profiled, modelled, extracted, and automated data into one repository for the loan origination process. This included a risk score/risk segmentation for statistical evaluation of the borrowers’ characteristics, a risk-based pricing model based on the riskiness of the customer, and a real-time decision-making application for monitoring performance, decision support, and automated scoring of customers. They also built APIs to connect to multiple data sources and used the information to make decisions in real time. Additionally, they created a performance management solution where key KPIs and metrics were tracked to understand how the overall portfolio is doing.
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Built APIs to connect to multiple data sources and used the information to make decision in real time.
Blueocean Market Intelligence lending portal helped in monitoring performance and decision support through a set of dynamic reports.
Creation of acquisition scorecard and risk based pricing model helped to decide on the discount amount for each loan application.
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