EcoOnline Case Studies Improving Chemical System Safety with IoT: A Case Study on Sandviken Energi
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Improving Chemical System Safety with IoT: A Case Study on Sandviken Energi

Sensors - Chemical Sensors
Sensors - Utility Meters
Electrical Grids
Intelligent Urban Water Supply Management
Onsite Human Safety Management
System Integration
Sandviken Energi AB, a Swedish energy firm, was facing challenges in managing their chemical system. The company, which operates in various areas including district heating, electrical networks, electricity trading, street maintenance, broadband, water and sewerage, had a complex and disorganized system of safety data sheets for their chemicals. The lack of order in their safety data sheets posed potential risks to the safety and health of their employees and the environment. Furthermore, the company was using unnecessary chemicals, which not only increased their operational costs but also posed additional safety and environmental risks. The company needed a solution that would help them restore order in their safety data sheets, eliminate unnecessary chemicals, and improve the overall safety and efficiency of their chemical system.
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Sandviken Energi AB is a Swedish energy firm that was founded in 1914. The company operates in various areas including district heating, electrical networks, electricity trading, street maintenance, broadband, water and sewerage. They employ around 150 people and have a combined revenue of around €48 million. All operations within Sandviken Energi contribute to long-term sustainable development from a social, safe, environmental and economic perspective. The company is committed to ensuring the safety and health of their employees and the environment, and to this end, they sought a solution to improve their chemical system.
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Sandviken Energi AB turned to EcoOnline, a provider of IoT solutions, to improve their chemical system. With EcoOnline's system, the company was able to get a fresh start and thoroughly clean their business of all unnecessary chemicals. The chemicals that were registered in EcoOnline's system are the ones that the company uses today. Sandviken Energi AB also formed a chemical group with a representative from each business area who approves new chemicals before they can be used in the business. All chemicals have been risk assessed and the company is now working to develop the right protective equipment with the support of the CAS numbers for the chemicals they use. The EcoOnline system has provided Sandviken Energi AB with a good structure where it is easy to find safety data sheets and information for the chemicals that are in the business.
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The implementation of EcoOnline's system has significantly improved the safety and efficiency of Sandviken Energi AB's chemical system. The company now has a good structure where it is easy to find safety data sheets and information for the chemicals that are in the business. This has not only improved the safety of their operations but also the efficiency, as employees can now easily find the information they need. Furthermore, the company has been able to eliminate unnecessary chemicals from their business, reducing their operational costs and environmental impact. The formation of a chemical group has also ensured that all new chemicals are approved before they can be used in the business, further enhancing the safety of their operations.
Elimination of unnecessary chemicals from the business
Establishment of a structured system for managing safety data sheets
Implementation of a risk assessment process for all chemicals used in the business
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