CARTO Case Studies Identifying Real Estate Investment Opportunities with Location Data
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Identifying Real Estate Investment Opportunities with Location Data

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
System Integration
Grupo Lar’s asset management and development team were looking for ways to use new types of data, and in particular location data to understand potential investment opportunities - considering more spatial factors in their decision-making. Spain is Grupo Lar’s main market, where it has consolidated a dominant position in the real estate sector, combining investment, management, and promotion. As an independent company with a sole focus on real estate, Grupo Lar is able to establish a strategy based on the best investment opportunity moments, thanks to its extensive knowledge of the sector as well as its ability to access local resources. This position allows them to gather large amounts of insights on a daily basis. Therefore, the main challenge of this project was to provide a solution that enabled them to analyze and visualize all their business KPIs in a simple and intuitive way, while processing the data in real time, in order to streamline the decision making process.
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Grupo Lar is an international Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) operating in seven countries, dealing exclusively in property for the last 50 years. The company was listed on the Madrid stock exchange in 2014, an opportune time for the Spanish real estate market as it entered a new phase of historic lows. This was also historic for the stock market, since they were the first REIT to go public in Spain following a three-year period without any new listings and seven years since the last IPO of a real estate company. Grupo Lar specialises in property asset investment and management through a strategy based on diversification of risk, the development of competitive advantages through strategic alliances, and technological innovation.
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Using CARTO's platform, DOTGIS was able to develop a user-friendly custom tool that provides Grupo Lar with indoor and outdoor analytics, KPIs visualization, and alerts and reports. The solution enables Grupo Lar to access not only outdoors but also indoors information, analyzing customers mobility and mapping the inside of retail centres. Providing an intuitive solution to easily visualize and filter financial, operative or sales KPIs was key to accelerating Grupo LAR’s decision-making, considering the daily amounts of data generated by the business. In order to optimize the company’s asset portfolio monitoring, Grupo Lar needed a way to track contracts timeline and set up alarms for their expiration dates. Being able to access multiple-format reports was key to helping them share these insights with business stakeholders - both internally within the company and with clients.
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Enabled Grupo Lar to access both indoor and outdoor analytics
Provided an intuitive solution to easily visualize and filter financial, operative or sales KPIs
Optimized the company’s asset portfolio monitoring
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