Case Studies Hybrid Android mobile application provides better control over field service orders
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Hybrid Android mobile application provides better control over field service orders

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Construction & Infrastructure
Field Services
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Asset Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
The first challenge was the amount of time spent by valuable field technicians having to come to the office every day. Previously the team of around 40 AC/DC field technicians were required to come their local branch office every morning to collect their work/service orders for that day. This involved the AC/DC branch Team Leader or supervisor arriving early each morning to first print and then assign each service order/s within their respective field maintenance team. The teams would complete these paper-based forms during the day, building reports based on the data collected from each of their inspections. These paper-based forms were then manually entered into the Sankhya ERP the next day after the technicians returned to the office to collect the next day’s service orders. These paper-based forms were left in the office/s to become the responsibility of a data entry team. Re-entering this data was time-consuming, inefficient and susceptible to errors, this would often cause additional wasted time inside the ERP identifying and correcting data. Having identified that a focused ‘Service Orders App’ could streamline much of the service/inspection process, the second challenge any mobility solution had to consider was the broad mix of mobile devices in Brazil. AC/DC wanted to use their employee’s current devices as a way of minimizing additional investment, which forced a requirement that any app development cover multiple OS’s including Android, iOS and Windows. Therefore, to ensure one development effort could be applied to all device types and to make the maintenance and updating of the various apps as efficient as possible, OneBlink’s Enterprise Mobility Platform was the selected underlying technology.
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AC/DC Engenharia Ltda is an engineering and construction company based in Florianopolis, Brazil. They provide services to the electrical generation, transmission and distribution industry. Those services range from project planning and technical consulting, system design and installation, to the inspection and maintenance of measurement and control systems within electrical installations. AC/DC Engenharia employs around 40 field technicians and provides services to many organizations across Brazil’s 26 states and territories. AC/DC is supported by OneBlink’s South American distributor CRE-8 Mobility and has begun its use of the Blink Mobility Platform with its ‘Service Orders App’ tightly integrated with its Sankhya ERP system.
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The Blink Mobility Platform is perfectly suited to modeling existing paper-based work practices to today’s mobile devices in the form of highly customized activity-based enterprise apps. The Blink Mobility Platform is provided as a high availability managed service that straddles the areas of MADP (Mobile Application Development Platform), IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and mBaaS (mobile Backend-as-a-Service) and runs in the Amazon cloud with a Brazilian point-of-presence. Many inbuilt features within the Blink Mobility Platform automate much of the ‘heavy lifting’ of traditional app development, dramatically reducing the time between scoping of projects and ‘go live’. CRE-8 used the capability of the Blink Mobility Platform and began with development of a hybrid Android app (HTML5 based app supported by a native Android app shell) for AC/DC’s 40 field technicians. While the same code base can easily be applied to iOS devices as well, the initial Android functionality was vital due to its dominance in the Brazilian market. The solution works equally well on Android tablets as well as iOS devices and has enabled the Team Leader to better manage the technicians while in the field, assigning new service orders and prioritizing tasks in real time, saving time overall while addressing urgent needs more effectively. It now takes far less time to collect the data and complete each service call while the data collected is also more comprehensive and in-depth. The capturing of contextual data (GPS, photo, date/time) adds even more value and importantly works offline (i.e., when there is no or unreliable internet connection).
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The mobility solution now in place has met and in many ways exceeded the requirements specification initially scoped by AC/DC.
It has advanced the entire Service Order business process; eliminating unnecessary travel time, making data collection more efficient, reliable and rich, while removing the cost and need for timely data entry into the ERP.
Reports from Team Leaders confirm that data integrity has improved dramatically, as well as employee productivity as teams increase their daily capacity of jobs with the same size crew.
Eliminated unnecessary travel time for 40 field technicians.
Increased daily capacity of jobs with the same size crew.
Improved data integrity and reduced transcription errors.
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