CallRail Case Studies How two brothers built a marketing agency for 100-million dollar companies using CallRailʼs Call Tracking API
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How two brothers built a marketing agency for 100-million dollar companies using CallRailʼs Call Tracking API

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Track & Trace of Assets
Data Science Services
Software Design & Engineering Services
All Points Digital, a digital marketing agency founded by brothers Jamie and Jason Mazur, faced the challenge of effectively tracking and attributing phone calls to marketing campaigns. They found it particularly difficult to connect the results of long sales processes back to the contributing marketing initiatives. The simplistic call tracking solutions they initially used, like forwarding numbers, only told their clients whether a lead came from the website or an individual source. They needed a more robust solution that could provide detailed insights into call attribution and help them demonstrate a hard return on investment for their clients' spend on Google Ads campaigns and other types of paid initiatives.
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All Points Digital is a digital marketing agency founded by brothers Jamie and Jason Mazur. Both brothers have a background in computer science, which they credit for their proficiency in 'nerd stuff' like paid media, search engine advertising, and strategic content marketing. Jamie spent 15 years as a software developer and architect, working for companies that built commercial data integration products. Jason, on the other hand, began his career on the marketing side. Their combined expertise in tech and marketing led to the creation of All Points Digital. The agency works with clients to bring together different data points, turning collections of previously isolated data into actionable information. One of their clients is Eliminate 'Em, a pest control company serving most of the northeast U.S.
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The solution came in the form of CallRail and its robust API. CallRail's Dynamic Number Insertion, which was easier to implement than Google's solution, transformed All Points Digital's attribution reporting capabilities. This technique inserts a different phone number into a website or landing page depending on how a visitor got to the site. Unique numbers are displayed for each different referrer, organic Google search, or click-through on a Google Ad, allowing All Points Digital to see not only that a caller's source was Ads, but also which campaign or specific creative inspired the lead to pick up the phone. To connect customer lifetime value to ad spend, All Points Digital used the natural keys that exist in their clients' CRMs, like the lead's phone number or email address, which are also captured in CallRail if the lead came from a phone call or form submission. They developed a custom integration using Google AppScript or Node.js for each client, depending on what CRM or data warehousing solution they were using.
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All Points Digital was able to provide their clients with detailed insights into call attribution, helping them understand where their calls were coming from and what the ultimate outcome of these calls was in terms of dollars and conversions.
The agency was able to give their clients a hard return on investment for their spend on Google Ads campaigns and other types of paid initiatives.
For their client Eliminate 'Em, All Points Digital was able to figure out what the advertising cost was on average for them to land at different types of jobs, and have a better understanding of the customer lifetime return on investment.
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