CARTO Case Studies How Location Intelligence aids emergency planning and resilience efforts in Mexico City
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How Location Intelligence aids emergency planning and resilience efforts in Mexico City

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Facility Management
Logistics & Transportation
Public Transportation Management
Public Warning & Emergency Response
Data Science Services
System Integration
The 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck central Mexico on September 19, 2017, caused significant damage to the infrastructure of Ciudad de México (CDMX), posing unprecedented obstacles to response efforts. The earthquake destroyed 228 buildings in the city, with many more at risk of collapse, putting even more residents at risk. The immediate aim of the Commission for the Reconstruction, Recuperation, and Transformation of the City of Mexico was to rescue people trapped by the rubble and evacuate others in areas at risk of further collapses. However, the damaged infrastructure posed obstacles in terms of assessing citywide damage. The Commission needed a two-way digital resource where citizens could file property damage reports that provided local officials with crowdsourced data on where to allocate emergency resources.
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The government of Ciudad de México (CDMX) is a global leader in digital and open governance. In September 2018, it ratified a constitution, the Magna Carta, which secures rights and responsibilities to the 9 million residents of the capital. These newly guaranteed civil protections are guiding recovery and reconstruction efforts following the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck central Mexico on September 19, 2017. The Secretariat of Civil Protection (SPC) convened the Commission for the Reconstruction, Recuperation, and Transformation of the City of Mexico, a legislative body representing various departments and agencies, tasked with supervising immediate disaster relief and long-term reconstruction efforts.
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CARTO's flexible geospatial technology met the needs of the Commission, helping to launch Plataforma CDMX, a web-based portal whose two-way data sharing platform provides Mexico City residents a direct line of communication with local officials amid ongoing recovery efforts. Using CARTO Engine, Plataforma CDMX features an interactive cadastral map, Mapa CDMX, that allows users to submit damage claims, locate nearby properties whose damages pose risks, and keep track of the status of technical assessments issued by the Security Institute for the Construction of the Federal District. CARTO provided geocoded data from the 2014 census, available in the Data Observatory, allowing local officials to establish property value benchmarks. Plataforma CDMX leveraged this location data to implement a classification system that identified the level of risk for damaged properties by municipality and by land use.
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Plataforma CDMX is a centralized resource guiding reconstruction efforts in Ciudad de México today.
The platform provides budgetary information on where resources are allocated, escrow decisions on whether damaged properties are to be rebuilt, repaired, or demolished, and reconstruction plans for equipping the city with a more resilient infrastructure to withstand future earthquakes.
Plataforma CDMX began as a data collection tool, but thanks to the power of Location Intelligence has evolved in just one year into a sophisticated resilience and emergency planning solution.
CDMX allocated relief aid for home repairs to 166,000 of the 169,000 homes damaged by the 19S earthquake in its first year.
Plataforma CDMX was able to allocate more than $2.5bn to reconstruction projects in 2017.
Plataforma CDMX has been able to identify and map damages to 7,000 residential buildings, 2,064 commercial buildings, 43 government buildings, and 1,103 buildings of cultural or historical value throughout the Greater Mexico City region.
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