AssetWorks Case Studies How FleetFocus™ Empowers the Award-Winning CityFleet in Portland, Oregon
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How FleetFocus™ Empowers the Award-Winning CityFleet in Portland, Oregon

Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Cities & Municipalities
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Inventory Management
The City of Portland’s CityFleet department is comprised of six shops and six fuel stations with a budget of $35.8 million. CityFleet is operated by 76 employees that manage the acquisition, repair, maintenance, parts, and fueling of a diverse fleet comprised of 2,850 vehicles and pieces of equipment valued at over $110 million. The fleet serves all of the bureaus in Portland and in order to keep up with demand, CityFleet estimates that nearly $300K worth of maintenance parts sits on the shelves at any given moment. CityFleet processes over 23,000 work orders a year and the process of filling in missing data and closing them was labor intensive.
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The City of Portland’s CityFleet department is comprised of six shops and six fuel stations with a budget of $35.8 million. CityFleet is operated by 76 employees that manage the acquisition, repair, maintenance, parts, and fueling of a diverse fleet comprised of 2,850 vehicles and pieces of equipment valued at over $110 million. The fleet serves all of the bureaus in Portland and in order to keep up with demand, CityFleet estimates that nearly $300K worth of maintenance parts sits on the shelves at any given moment.
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CityFleet has relied on FleetFocus software since the early 1990s to manage all aspects of its fleet maintenance. The software provides seamless data capture, fleet analysis, and meaningful reports. These features enable better accountability, improve business performance, enhance customer service, and give us our competitive edge over the private sector. FleetFocus gives Portland the ability to seamlessly and quickly access work order data on one screen, in one application, and close many work orders at one time. By utilizing FleetFocus PM functionality to better calculate and schedule preventive maintenance, Portland stays ahead of compliance and thwarts any big disasters and expenditures. CityFleet tracks all parts by using a bar coding system. This improved efficiency on the shop floor contributes to immediate productivity gains. FleetFocus is a flexible, adaptable interface that allows CityFleet to change the names of fields, hide tabs and streamline the screen. The ability to customize data has increased the value of the data for the department. This enables CityFleet to run incredibly relevant and accurate reports that lead to better fiscal decisions.
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Improved Work Order Processing
Real-Time, Automated Preventive Maintenance (PM) Compliance
Barcode Readers for Stocked Parts
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