Case Studies How Semantic Search Helped a Global Company Automate its Marketing Claim Verifications
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How Semantic Search Helped a Global Company Automate its Marketing Claim Verifications
Analytics & Modeling - Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Consumer Goods
Sales & Marketing
Search & Rescue
Data Science Services
Ensuring that marketing claims about a product are not misleading or deceptive is a major challenge for this large consumer goods company which must comply with consumer protection laws and industry self-regulatory guidelines. To avoid litigation and the associated costs, marketing claims must be supported by sound factual research results, such as clinical studies and consumer reports. With almost 300,000 new clinical studies registered every year, it is impossible to manually keep track of new evidence related to a specific product. The scientific vocabulary used in such studies differs significantly from the jargon used in marketing claims and the product-relevant scientific information is often not formulated in words, but encapsulated within chemical formulation. This made it impossible to automate the verification process, which remained a long and tedious process involving humanbased tasks of searching, and manually validating evidence documentation.
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The customer is a large consumer goods company. The company has to comply with consumer protection laws and industry self-regulatory guidelines. This means that all marketing claims about a product must be supported by factual research results, such as clinical studies and consumer reports. With almost 300,000 new clinical studies registered every year, it is a major challenge for the company to manually keep track of new evidence related to a specific product. The scientific vocabulary used in these studies often differs significantly from the jargon used in marketing claims, and the product-relevant scientific information is often not formulated in words, but encapsulated within chemical formulations. This makes it impossible to automate the verification process, which remains a long and tedious process involving human tasks of searching and manually validating evidence documentation.
Read More implemented an advanced search engine that enabled the firm to automate the marketing claim verification process. Semantic Search understands the meaning of marketing claims and matches them with research studies, even if they do not use the same vocabulary or the relevant information is encapsulated within chemical formulae. Extraction models are trained very quickly, based on annotations by the firm’s subject matter experts on only a handful of sample clinical reports. The solution instantly extracts quality structured data from research studies and other sources of evidence. The feedback of subject matter experts on the quality of search results is directly looped back into the system to facilitate continuous learning while preserving consistent results.
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The search engine analyzed the meaning of the marketing claims, it was able to not only increase the number of relevant answers delivered to subject matter experts, but also discover new sources of evidence within scientific literature.
As a consequence of the new automation, large parts of the claims support research could be reassigned to junior researchers, allowing to reallocate expensive subject matter experts’ time to more demanding tasks.
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