solocal Case Studies How BRIDGE helped AlloDiagnostic increase their local traffic by 50% within 9 months
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How BRIDGE helped AlloDiagnostic increase their local traffic by 50% within 9 months

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Sales & Marketing
Search & Rescue
System Integration
AlloDiagnostic, a network of property surveyors and inspectors in France, was struggling with a lack of online visibility, particularly in local searches. This was a significant issue in cities like Paris or Marseille, where the market is highly competitive. The company had developed their local pages internally, but maintaining them was proving to be time-consuming and expensive. They were aware of the need to improve their local search results to increase their visibility and edge out the competition.
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AlloDiagnostic is France’s leading network of property surveyors and inspectors. The company was established in 2011 and has grown to include 80 agencies that are certified to evaluate properties for sale or rent. AlloDiagnostic caters to the needs of both individuals and businesses, providing a comprehensive range of property surveying and inspection services. Despite their extensive network and wide range of services, AlloDiagnostic was facing challenges in terms of online visibility, particularly in local searches.
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AlloDiagnostic implemented the BRIDGE Store Locator and Local Pages to optimize their local search results. These tools are structured to be optimized for local SEO, enabling AlloDiagnostic to appear at the top of local search results. In highly competitive markets like Paris or Marseille, this gave AlloDiagnostic an edge over their competition. The customer review module was integrated on each AlloDiagnostic agency page, encouraging clients to share their experiences and build trust with potential customers. This also helped boost local SEO for the agency pages. The implementation of these tools allowed AlloDiagnostic to generate relevant local leads for its agencies and made it easier for customers to get in touch or receive price estimates for different survey types.
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AlloDiagnostic saw a 50% increase in local traffic within nine months of implementing the BRIDGE Store Locator and Local Pages.
The company made 180 appointments through the BRIDGE Local Pages.
The implementation of these tools also strengthened AlloDiagnostic’s omni-channel approach, shifting the company towards e-commerce.
50% increase in local traffic within 9 months
180 appointments made since the implementation of BRIDGE Local Pages
20% conversion rate for quote estimates requested on Local Pages
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