Commsoft Technologies Case Studies How Baron Tools Elevates Productivity and Inventory Management with Fidelio
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How Baron Tools Elevates Productivity and Inventory Management with Fidelio

Commsoft Technologies
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Equipment & Machinery
Discrete Manufacturing
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
Baron Tools, a fast-growing distribution company in Greater Montreal, was facing major challenges due to its rapid movement of inventory. The company was managing product flow with paper documents and accounting software stretched beyond its capacity. As a result, Baron did not have an accurate ongoing view of its stock position or profitability until the end of an accounting period. The lack of visibility into company processes greatly impacted productivity and profitability. The company was using outdated tools and dealing with a lot of paper. The software and systems simply couldn’t keep up with the aggressive sales goals of the company.
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Baron Tools is a fast-growing distribution company based in Greater Montreal. The company offers an extensive range of tools to the machining industry. Hundreds of thousands of tools flow in and out of Baron Tools every week. The company was handling 30 to 40 shipments per day, and 90% of the time, the goods received in the morning were shipped in the afternoon. The company had a very good team inherited from the previous owners - smart, good people who knew their stuff and were go-getters.
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Baron Tools decided to transform the way they did business digitally. They chose to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, Fidelio. The company put a small team together to analyze their business processes and document what they really needed. They wanted an ERP system that could scale to integrate business growth, eliminate the big headaches they had with inventory, get rid of paper, and easily keep track of price lists that were associated with the quotations they submitted. The implementation of the ERP system went smoothly because they took pains to plan it out. They held workshops to train their team and recorded these workshops so anybody could review them at any time.
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Using Fidelio, Baron Tools' shipping and receiving teams reduced the time spent on their usual tasks by 25%.
With less paperwork, these teams are now helping the company with other tasks.
The purchasing process was transformed. As soon as an order is taken, a purchase is created automatically, reducing the time on their tasks by 50%.
Shipping and receiving teams reduced the time spent on their usual tasks by 25%.
The purchasing team reduced the time on their tasks by 50%.
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