Balto Case Studies How Balto is Changing Insurance Conversations
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How Balto is Changing Insurance Conversations

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Healthcare & Hospitals
Sales & Marketing
One of the largest health insurance companies in the country was looking for ways to improve their close rate. They decided to conduct a one-month long A/B study with 90 of their agents to test the effectiveness of Balto, a real-time guidance platform. The study aimed to compare the quote rate and the close rate between 45 Non-Balto users and 45 Balto users. The company wanted to validate the claim that Balto could significantly enhance the agent’s close rate.
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The customer is one of the largest health insurance companies in the United States. The company has a large number of agents who interact with potential customers on a daily basis. The company's main goal is to improve their close rate, which is the percentage of potential customers who end up purchasing their insurance products. To achieve this, they are always on the lookout for innovative solutions that can help their agents perform better and close more deals.
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The company decided to implement Balto, a real-time guidance platform, to help improve their close rate. They conducted a one-month long A/B study with 90 of their agents. Half of these agents used Balto while the other half did not. The study aimed to compare the quote rate and the close rate between the two groups. Balto's real-time guidance was expected to provide the agents with the necessary tools and information to close deals more effectively.
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The implementation of Balto resulted in a significant improvement in the company's close rate. The agents who used Balto had a 71% higher quote rate and a 132% higher close rate than those who did not use the platform. Furthermore, the ramp time for new agents decreased significantly. New agents in the Balto group had a 47x higher close rate than new agents in the Non-Balto group. The company was so impressed with the results that they expanded the use of Balto to hundreds of their agents.
71% higher quote rate for Balto users
132% higher close rate for Balto users
47x higher close rate among new hires using Balto
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