Ada Case Studies How Ada Automated Over 2 Million Conversations for Canada’s Fastest-Growing Telco in One Year
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How Ada Automated Over 2 Million Conversations for Canada’s Fastest-Growing Telco in One Year

Networks & Connectivity - WiFi
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sales & Marketing
Leasing Finance Automation
Before the implementation of Ada's solution, the client, a rapidly growing Canadian telecommunications company, was struggling to manage over 30 million yearly inquiries from its 13 million+ customers. The company's customer service strategy relied heavily on live support, which was only available from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. This resulted in increasing customer wait times and a high volume of repetitive, low-value tickets that stalled agent productivity. Even basic tasks such as payments and upgrades required live human support, further straining the system. To continue providing excellent customer experience and meet the evolving expectations of its customers, the company needed an enterprise-grade, scalable solution that would reduce customer effort, boost agent productivity, and save overhead cost.
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The customer in this case study is Canada’s fastest-growing national telecommunications company, serving over 13 million customers. The company is committed to exceeding the evolving expectations of its customers and has a reputation for providing excellent customer service. However, the company was facing challenges in managing the high volume of inquiries received across its website, app, and call centres due to its reliance on live support. The company recognized the need for an AI-powered automation solution to address its pain points and created one of the world’s first-ever ‘Automated Client Experience’ (ACX) teams, dedicated to improving both their customer experience and bottom line through automated support.
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The telecommunications company turned to Ada's automation solution to address its challenges. In the first month of the partnership, Ada worked closely with the company to build and launch a chatbot that provides 24/7 instant support in English and French across its website and app. Over the next five months, Ada helped the company roll out new features designed to take the chatbot from FAQ-based support to a personalized self-serve solution. Customers can now check account details, keep track of their data usage, and even change to paperless billing. The bot can also handle upsells and drive sales by letting customers top up wireless data and purchase wireless roaming packages, without the need for an agent. The bot was also introduced to the call centre experience, offering support via SMS during periods with longer than planned wait times.
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The implementation of Ada's automation solution has transformed the customer service experience for the telecommunications company. The ACX team was able to build a chatbot using Ada's platform in less than a month, automating 40% of inquiries that were increasing call volumes, and both agent and customer effort. The bot provides multi-channel engagement, reaching new customers outside of live agent hours across three sought-after communication channels. Ada's solution also integrated with the company's existing live chat software, Genesys, to seamlessly route customers from the bot to a live agent when requested. The bot provides the same level of personalization customers have come to expect from a live agent, reflecting their personal information, interests, and intent. The technology also meets the company's high standards and strict policies for customer privacy and security.
24/7 instant, personalized, bilingual support was provided, replacing the previous 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. live support hours
45,000 hours of customer effort were saved monthly
50% of inquiries were solved without the need for live support
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