NETSCOUT Case Studies Hospital Helps Secure IoT Devices With Network Packet Visibility
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Hospital Helps Secure IoT Devices With Network Packet Visibility

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Healthcare & Hospitals
Quality Assurance
Condition Monitoring
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The hospital network had seen a significant increase in the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices over recent years. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital faced numerous cybersecurity threats, including risks to their IoT devices that needed to be protected. The hospital's Network Operations (NetOps) and Security Operations (SecOps) teams needed to work together to reduce these threats and investigate potential incidents of compromise, particularly with their extensive cache of distributed IoT devices. The hospital had made the strategic decision to standardize on networked packet traffic as the best source for data intelligence and selected a solution to secure their IoT devices that leverages packet data. However, they needed ways to share that data between both the IoT security tool and their NETSCOUT Service Assurance solution.
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The hospital network had undergone significant changes over the last decade, from both organic patient growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions. There are thousands of physicians, nurses, and staff administering care to hundreds of thousands of inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room patients every year. With more than a dozen hospitals and a hundred medical facilities, this hospital network is one of the largest in its region and essential to the healthcare of its community. Networking services and clinical applications are the priorities of the healthcare’s IT staff. Anything that prevents availability or access to these services, or the equipment used to interact with them, needs to be prevented or remediated by their IT organization.
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The hospital organization had selected NETSCOUT® nGeniusONE Service Assurance solution to help maintain the quality, availability, and reliability of their applications and services. These applications include Citrix secure access to Epic electronic medical records and other clinical apps, as well as business applications, such as Microsoft Office 365. To distribute traffic packets from the network segments simultaneously to the new Armis IoT security solution and the NETSCOUT InfiniStreamNG (ISNG) appliances, the IT organization selected the software-based NETSCOUT nGenius Packet Flow Switch (PFS) family of packet brokers which enhances the value and efficiency of the performance management and cybersecurity ecosystems. The NetOps and SecOps teams highlighted cost-effectiveness, advanced features, and Custom-off-the-Shelf (COTS) capabilities as their reasons for selecting the nGenius Packet Flow Operating System (PFOS) for Certified 5000 and 5100 series Packet Brokers.
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Ensured valuable network packets can be used by both nGeniusONE service assurance and Armis IoT security solutions
Optimized value of investments and overall cost of ownership with one vendor for performance management and packet broker technology
Reduced the risk of cyber threats by leveraging the nGenius Packet Flow Switches to feed network traffic to their Armis cybersecurity tool
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